Chapter 5: The Lovesick Boy//A Discussion of Fame//Loosening Ties

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After Herbology was Transfiguration, and then it was time for lunch. You spent the first half of the period eating your soup and avoiding the gaze of Neville Longbottom, who stared at you from the Gryffindor table with a pink face for almost 10 minutes straight. Pansy, after about 5 minutes of his staring, elbowed you and smirked. "Looks like you've got an admirer." You hurriedly finished your meal and stood up, eager to go somewhere he couldn't look at you. His hopeful expression made you feel guilty.

You went to the courtyard, sitting down under the shade of a tree and pulling a piece of parchment paper from your bag along with a quill. This would be a good time to write to your parents. Just as you were beginning your letter, a young boy's overly excited voice came from across the courtyard. You glanced up towards the stone steps to see a first year standing in front of Harry. He looked star struck, and was holding a muggle camera.

Curious, you stuffed the paper back in your bag, casually strolled over to a tree that was closer to the steps, and leaned against it, pretending to search through your bag as if you weren't eavesdropping on the conversation. "-Maybe your friend could take it and I could stand next to you? And then, you could sign it?" You raised an eyebrow at the young boy's words. He wanted a signed photo from Harry? You felt a tinge of jealousy at Harry's fame.

You didn't have much time to be jealous, however, before a familiar-and extremely haughty-voice echoed throughout the courtyard. "You're giving out signed photos, Potter?" You groaned inwardly, and looked up to see Draco standing behind Colin, his ugly lackeys standing beside him like bodyguards. Draco loudly asked everyone in the courtyard to line up for Harry's autograph, and you rolled your eyes. Always the center of attention.

To your surprise, Colin piped up with a quick comeback about Draco being jealous. "That kid has some serious balls," You mumbled to yourself, still not sure if you wanted to get involved with the situation. Draco shot back that he didn't want a scar on his head, and you snorted with laughter. "Eat slugs, Malfoy." Ron sounded pissed. Crabbe cracked his knuckles, and Draco warned Ron not to start any trouble, doing a rather unflattering impression of his mother in the process.

You decided it was time to step in. "Okay, okay, everyone chill out, let's not start a fight before dinner." You stepped out from behind the tree, standing between Ron and Draco. Draco glared at you. "Siding with Potter and Weasley again, are you? Traitor." You simply rolled your eyes. "Whatever, Draco. Just stop. It's not worth it to make a scene. Colin just wanted a picture." Colin smiled gratefully and nodded at your words, but Draco only looked around you to smirk at Harry. "Weasley would like a signed photo, Potter. It would be worth more than his family's whole house-"

Ron pulled out his wand, which was held together with Spellotape, and you immediately stepped out of the way. "Look out!" Hermione whispered. You glanced back to see Gilderoy Lockhart striding over with that stupid smile on his face, and you rolled your eyes and groaned. "What's all this, what's all this? Who's giving out signed photos?" Lockhart slung an arm around Harry's shoulders and laughed. "Shouldn't have asked! We meet again, Harry!" Draco smirked and slid back into the crowd, and you mumbled under your breath. "Sneaky bastard." Lockhart set off back to the castle with Harry, lecturing him about fame.

You turned back to Hermione and Ron. "He's the biggest wanker I've ever seen in my life." Hermione went red and mumbled a defense of the professor, but Ron nodded. "Finally, we agree on something." He put his wand back with a look on his face that made you feel bad for him. You awkwardly rubbed your arm and stared at the red-head, trying to think of some kind of comforting thing to say. "Draco's all talk, he's just a coward when it comes down to it." Ron picked his stuff up from the ground and began to follow Hermione to the castle.

He turned back to you. "Yeah. He's a right wanker too, isn't he? Makes sense why you're friends with him." You frowned, but Ron had already turned his back to you and was making his way back to the building. You definitely weren't going to be friends with him anytime soon; he clearly was still upset at you over the things that you had said to him on the train back in first year. You felt a small pang of guilt, but quickly shook it off. You weren't going to apologize for that, no matter how much you felt bad. Apologizing was for weak-minded people.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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