Chapter 4: Eruku

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"We know that her base has to be close, or she wouldn't have a mole in the organization." Kitsune said, his eyebrows drawn together in concentration.

"The idea that we even have a mole is just entertainment, for now." Lightning pointed out, causing Ramu to nod in agreement.

"We need to narrow it down further." Ramu suggested. "How? We've already narrowed it down to a 25 mile radius. If you want to narrow it down some more, do the math, we can't." Kitsune snapped, sharply exhaling.

Before Ramu got a chance to snap back at Kitsune's remark, Lightning spoke. "Ok, I think all of our heads hurt just a little bit. Maybe we should take a break and cool off before we end up fighting. Good?" "Fine by me." Kitsune responded, already walking the other direction. Ramu sharply exhaled. "You're right. I'm gonna go to my room. See you in a bit." "Sure." Lightning sighed.


Ramu entered his room and sighed, closing the door. "Aries, calm down." He detransformed with those words, watching the mini Ram pace around on his desk. "That Kitsune... he'd shut his mouth if he knew what was good for him! Why, when I get my hands on that guy's guardian, I'll-" Aries continued rambling.

"Enough, you won't do anything, because I won't let you. Otto and Searra chose me for a reason, and that reason is because I'm very talented at keeping my temper." The guardian huffed.

"I don't see the big deal in losing your temper from time to time. It's fun, you should try it." "I'd rather not." Aries grunted. "You never like any of my ideas. Oh, by the way, it'd be less obvious that you like Lightning if you didn't goggle at her, Aaron." Aaron's cheeks turned bright red. "Wh-what?! You don't know what you're talking about, I mean-" "The way you agree with everything she says, 'Oh yes, Lightning, that's an amazing idea- Oh, oh my, how smart you are!' Ugh, it's so disgusting! It's obvious she's more focused on finding Llobu, anyway. What happened to your crush on Eruku? Now that was entertaining." Aaron groaned, flopping down on his bed. "Eruku has been gone for a long time, Aries." Aries sighed.

"I suppose. I do quite miss the company of her guardian, however, they always had a comeback to my snarky remarks. Wapiti, I think their name was." Aaron rolled over on his bed to look back at Aries.

"Isn't Wapiti french for Elk?" Aries looked back to him.

"Maybe. Probably. You're the one who took the french class, after all. I just tagged along." Aries mumbled. "Also, what the heck were you thinking when you used your special power? That was a wacko move, and me saying something was wacko means it was really, really wacko. What were you thinking? You haven't used your power in weeks. We both know how it could've turned out. You could've gone crazy."

"I know... but I was just thinking about getting out of there. Did you see the pack of wolves that was surrounding us? I think Lightning is mad at me, anyway, because she thought she could take Rebelle. Truth is, I don't think everyone at once could take Rebelle. She was only holding the Wolf C.H.A.R.M, which means she has to have a hideout where she keeps the other ones, but where would it be? Kitsune and I narrowed it down to a 50 mile radius... I suppose we could go looking-" Aaron was cut off by his own yawn.

"Get some sleep. You've been working too hard." Aries curled up on the desk. "I'll be asleep too, so you don't have to worry about me running." Aaron nodded. "Thanks, Aries. See you in the morning."


"Ramu! Ramu, catch!" Eruku threw one of her daggers at him, and he caught it. "We have to catch them, or this whole city will lose their money!" It was, of course, their time for nightly patrol, and as always, a robber had decided now would be an amazing time to rob the city's bank.

"You're right! You go ahead and cut him off, I'll teleport behind him, and we'll have him cornered!" The robber was running from them, (a stupid move, if you asked Ramu) and they were hot on his trail. He heard a muffled scream, and then saw Eruku pinning the robber against the wall.

"Nice one, Eruku." Ramu said, looking the robber in the eyes. "Let's tie him up and call the police." Eruku nodded. After they were finished tieing the robber up, Eruku looked to Ramu. "Back to headquarters?" "Guess so."

They ended up racing back to headquarters, Eruku winning. "Hah! You can't ever beat me." Ramu sighed. "I beat you once!" He remarked. "Lucky day." Eruku responded. The two quickly walked inside headquarters.

"Eruku, my office, at once." Searra snapped as they walked inside. Ramu cast a questioning glance at Eruku, who just gulped, running into Searra's office. "You-you wanted to see me, Miss?" Eruku shut the door of the office.

Searra sighed. Otto was leaning against the wall of the office. "We want to make you immortal, Eruku." Otto winced.

"You- you want to make me immortal? I can keep my C.H.A.R.M forever? I can lead?" Eruku's eyes sparkled.

"Y-yes." Otto smiled weakly. Searra looked at him funny, like she was making sure he didn't say anything.

"What is it?" "Oh, nothing, nothing. I was just going to say that becoming immortal comes with a... price." Searra smiled.

"What price? I'll do it." Eruku got up, smiling. "Just... stay still." Searra responded.

"Otto? Ready?" Otto looked up at her. His eyes were glossy. "Oh. Yes, of course." The two adults got on either side of the girl, both of them touching her C.H.A.R.M, the ring that she wore.

"Kono miryoku wa mō arimasen... Kono miryoku wa mō arimasen..." They repeated, and Eruku felt the color drain from her face. "What... what are you doing to me...?" The girl fell to the floor, shivering. She closed her eyes tightly, shouting to her guardian.

"Domino... Domino, what are they doing to me?" Eruku asked her guardian, but there was no reply. She only saw the elk fighting both an otter and a sea turtle, losing significantly. "Stop! Stop, you're hurting her!" Eruku yelled, and Otto winced, the otter that was fighting the elk hesitating a bit.

Eruku gasped for air. "Nadare..." Snow enveloped her, and she sighed. The pain was gone for a moment, but she was weak. "Domino... what's happening..." The mini elk spoke to her from inside her conscience. "They have found out that you are more powerful than you seem... that you have discovered more of your power, and they fear that you may use these powers for evil- agh! You must escape, at once, or they may kill you!"

Eruku felt the snow that acted as her barrier start to melt, and she weakly got up. "Tsurara!" Eruku screamed, sending icicles in Otto and Searra's direction. She quickly ran out of the office, stumbling, but getting back up.

"Capture her C.H.A.R.M!" Eruku heard Searra shout from her office, and everyone turned to look at her. Eruku gasped, then began to run for her life.

"Eruku? Eruku!"


"Aaron? Aaron! Aaron, wake up!" Aaron could hear Aries shouting, so he shot up out of bed. "Aaron, are you ok? What was it?" Aries hopped onto the ground and began to climb his bed.

Aaron was gasping for air, clutching his ring to his chest. "It... it was the dream about Eruku... I was reliving it all over again..." A knock was heard at his door, and he went to answer it. "A-aries, rile up..." Ramu opened the door, sighing. "Yea?" Lightning looked at him.

"You good?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yea... you needed me...?" Lightning nodded. "I thought we could check out some of the places Kitsune helped us narrow down. You up for it?" The ram themed hero nodded, following Lightning out into the city.


Otto and Searra started into the solitary room. "You realize the spell will be irreparable soon. There won't be any way we can save her." Searra told him. Otto pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm more focused on who did this to her." He admitted, looking back to Searra. "Do you remember Eruku?" Searra froze.

"Who wouldn't..." she muttered.

"What if... she held a grudge against us, right, and she's the one doing all of this?" Searra looked back to him. "You're not suggesting..."

"What if Eruku is Rebelle?" 

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