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☾ Skye

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☾ Skye

I waken as the Dark Fey Phoenix. I look at Maleficent and see her in a Phoenix form too. I roar in happiness. I am not dead.

My eyes connected to Diaval. I see tears are streamed down his face. He must have mourned for me. But now I am alive.

Suddenly, the Queen pushes the girl. Maleficent comes to her and so did I. We start to reach for the screaming girl. As we caught her, we land harshly to the ground.

The girl slowly stand up and so did us. Me and Maleficent let out a mighty roar. All the feys bow down to us.

Phillip runs on our direction. The girl also runs to Phillip and embrace him.

Me and Maleficent transforms back into feys. "Well, well," says the girl. "Hello Beastie," Maleficent greets her. The girl embraces her.

"Who is she mother?" she asks for me. "I am Skye. And you are?" I introduce myself. "Aurora," she now introduces herself. I open my arms and she runs to it.

Diaval runs to us and embraces me."I though I lost you again," he cries on my shoulder. I wipe his tears and say, "You will never lose me Handsome."

"Phillip," Maleficent calls. "Yes?" he replies. "Do you love my daughter?" she asks and I look at him. "With everything I have," Phillip answers. "Good," Maleficent says.

A wingless pixie walks to us with two adorable creatures. "I believe this belongs to you," he gives Maleficent the needle of the spindle. She takes and tose it in the air. It's fades away.

I look around and see feys helping the humans. I smile brightly and whisper, "If only Conall would see it." Maleficent grabs my hand and squeezes.

"There will be no more fighting. Ulstead will never attack the Moors again. And from this day on, we more forward...and fine our way... in peace... together," Phillip makes a speech.

"Today there will be a wedding. Not just a union of two people, but a union of two kingdoms... and all are invited... all will stay.... and all are welcome," Aurora announces. Maleficent bangs her staff and trees starts to forms around the place.

Borra land near us and I quickly run to him. "Brother!" I exclaim and embrace him. "My Skye," he smiles.

He looks at Maleficent and say, "If only Conall would see you." "Borra... it's time to come home," Maleficent says.

"Hello," Aurora greets us. "Can you come in," she says to Maleficent. She nods before going to Aurora.

I walk to Diaval and smile at him. "Hey Handsome." "Hello Beautiful," he greets back and hugs me.

I suddenly see a goat walking around. "Is that?" Phillip asks and Diaval replies, "She can change her back... I suppose." I playfully slap his arm.

"Only if we wanted to," the King of Ulstead arrives. "Father," Phillip greets. He looks at me and ask, "Who is this beautiful creature?" "Father, she is the friend I was talking about as a child. She is Skye," Phillip introduces me. "Hello your highness," I greet with a cursty. He smiles at me.

"I dreamed of this moment. Two kingdoms united. That is because of you. I am so proud of you. So proud," he tells his son before leaving.

I suddenly see Maleficent and Aurora walking down the isle. The dress changes colors into green and pink, but it turns blue.

Diaval wipes his tears and I silently giggle. As they arrive, Maleficent struggle to let her go. "Let her go," Diaval tells her. Maleficent lets her go and Aurora walks to Phillip.

Diaval wipes another tear. "Put yourself together," Maleficent says before wiping her tear. Me and Diaval smirk.

The ceremony starts. The priest says a few word before they put on the bands. They both say "I Do" and Phillip kisses the bride.

"Skye?" Diaval whisepers and I ask, "Yes?" He intensely looks at my green eyes. "What?" I ask. He suddenly kisses my lips. I froze at first. He kissed me. DIAVAL KISSED ME!

I smile into the kiss and slowly kiss him back. Diaval slides his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. I put my arms around his neck.

Maleficent walks to us and say, "Congratulations. I will see you guys at the wedding." I blush and Diaval pulls me close to him.

Maleficent flicks her hand and suddenly, wings appears on Diaval's back. "This is my gift to you," she says before leaving.

Diaval examine his wings and excitedly flaps them. "Look at me Skye!" he happily exclaims.

He grabs me before flying upwards. He flies high until we reach above the clouds. I suddenly see the moon.

"Wow..." I breathe out and Diaval looks into my eyes. "I promise to fly you to the moon. Didn't I?" he tells me and I look into his black eyes.

"I love you Handsome...

"I love you too Beautiful..."

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