The War Is Finally Over

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The war was finally over and everyone is now rejoicing and as long mourning for our lost friends. I flew towards Wen Ning who's still standing still and emotionless. I observe him and that's when it click.

Wen Ning is now mine to control as I reincarnated him. We now have a contract that cannot be broken at all. He will only serve me and I am his only master.

I chanted a spell and Wen Ning soon came back to his old self but the veins are still there.

'The one in the prophecy is Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. The two Kings that will rule Heaven and Hell together bringing peace to our world once and for all.' Jin Guangyao said as he finally put the pieces of the puzzle together.

The others gasped out loud as they finally understood what the prophecy meant all along. I smiled goofily before Mom gave me a death hugged almost squeezing my soul out of my body.

'Mom too tight. I'm going to die if you don't stop.' I said as I tried to get out of my Moms death grip. She was actually strong. She soon let go of me. Lan Zhan immediately stood by my side, hands in my waist.

He gave me a soft kiss before smiling at me. The sound of cheerful screams are still heard all around us. I gave a hearty laugh before I flew up. Hovering above the Angels who's happy that we won. Everything was now going to be peaceful.

I flew around for a while before I went back to Lan Zhan's side. Lan Xichen came towards us.

'Wei Wuxian now that the war is over you will have to decide on who to appoint as the new King of Hell. We cannot have others fighting in Hell just for the throne.' I thought about it for a while. There are only two options . It's either me or Wen Ning and Wen Qing but judging from their looks I'm guessing they don't want to go back to Hell  every again. I gave a long sigh.

'There's no one else to choose from and since I'm part Demon and I'm part of the prophecy it's going to be me. I'll be the new King of Hell.' I said as Lan Xichen nodded in approval, he then look at Lan Zhan.

'Wangji now I'm going to give you the throne for you are the one that is most suitable to be King.' Lan Zhan gave his brother a hug before nodding.

Now it's only the wait for us. We still have to be crowned. I'll be the King of Hell and Lan Zhan will me the King of Heaven. The two of us will finally bring peace to this world.

'No matter what the two of you do from now on we will always stand by your side. Help you and guide you.' The elders all said and I smiled at that.

I again opened the portal to the Demon Realm where two Demons are waiting right at the other side of the portal.

'Well I better get going and prepare for my coronation. You all are invited so I hope you all come.' I said as I started to walk towards the portal but Lan Zhan suddenly stopped me.

'I'll go with you Wei Ying.' I smiled at him.

'Lan Zhan you can't since you are also going to be crowned as King. You have to prepare too. Don't worry I'll definitely come to your coronation. I love you.' I kissed him passionately and he gladly returned it with the same passionate kiss. After we broke apart I hugged him tight.

I slowly entered the portal and as soon as I step inside the portal slowly closed. But not before Wen Ning and Xue Yang got in. They both stood beside and the portal finally closed. I took a good look at my surroundings. Hell wasn't actually pretty bad at all. There houses along the way as we made our way towards the castle.

The two Demons silently following us from a safe distance. They all know now that I am their new King. And all must obey me. My Demon blood made me a suitable candidate for the throne.

After walking for almost half an hour we finally made it to the huge castle. Demon Guards bowed as we pass them. I was in awe at the actual beauty of the place. Since Wen Ruohan died the usually creepy place became what it used to be back then.

An ancient castle with lots and lots of history with it. Even though it is situated here in Hell it's beauty was out of this world. It is much like the castle in the Heaven but this one is the black version of it.

One Demon directed us to our rooms and after that I ordered them to prepare the whole Palace for the up coming celebration.

Lying down on my comfy king size bed made me finally relax.
But I miss Lan Zhan. Since we're both going to be King it will be hard for us to see each other all the time. I thought about Zhao Yunlan too, I was suppose to be his Guardian Angel but now look at where I am.

I groaned out in frustration before taking a short nap.

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