Getting To Know Each Other

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They spent the next few days just talking and getting to know each other. The first thing they learned was that they really don’t have very much in common, the second thing is that it doesn’t really matter much. 

Lexa for example learned that Clarke loves her job but also hates seeing injured children, they usually give her nightmares. She always loved to draw but never wanted to make it her everyday job. She has a large group of friends most of them she knows from high school and college, Octavia being the only exception. 

Clarke learned that Lexa has been writing since high school, it helped her cope with the bullying from her peers. She loves working from home as she is most relaxed here. She doesn’t have many friends, well the only ones being her sister Anya and their cousin Lincoln. So okay maybe she doesn’t have friends only relatives she talks to on a regular basis and they get her and understand to an extent how she sees the world. 

Today Clarke has a rare day off and spends of with her two roommates. They decide to go for a late lunch and are heading off a few minutes later. Half an hour later they are seated at their favorite restaurant and are chatting away. Octavia leans forward in her seat and smirks at Raven, “do you think know is a good time to ask Clarke about all the messages she received the last few days?” Raven grins right back at her, “I would vote yes and if we're at it we can ask her who got her smiling like that.”

“You don't know anything about being subtle huh?” rolling her eyes Clarke smiles at her friends, “I actually met a women on the app I met Niyah. I don't know we're just talking about everything and nothing really and she is different.” That got Octavia to raise her eyebrows, “In all the years I've known you never said that someone is special. Who the hell is this woman?”

“Her name is Lexa, she is a writer and lives in the city. She just has something about her, she doesn't want a relationship, she just wants to talk and that's kinda refreshing.”

Raven holds up her hand, “wait, hold up. She is on a dating app but doesn't want a relationship? That's I don't know kinda odd. What's up with her?”

Clarke gets angry at that. She doesn't know why but knowing that Lexa has autism Raven's comment just doesn't sit right with her and before she can stop herself she snaps at her friend, “Lexa has autism so it's very hard for her talk to new people and I think it's very brave of her and not odd!”

Her friends blink at her, too shocked to say anything. Octavia is the first to recover, “wow, Clarke you really care for her.” Raven is quick to join in, “I’m sorry, I was an asshole. She really sounds like a brave person. Tell us more about her.”

That got Clarke smiling again and she has a little spark in her eye, “okay, let me start from the beginning.” 


Lexa has a bad day. In the morning she slept past eight o'clock, so her schedule was messed up. To make matters worse she accidently bought the wrong shampoo which to others may seem insignificant but to her it's a huge deal. She likes things to be the same, same time to get up, same shampoo, same cereals so all in all the same routine everyday. It's not that she has tantrums anymore if something changes but it leaves her on edge the whole day. She kinda hates to admit it but she is looking forward to the messages from Clarke. They became part of her day and a pretty nice part of it too. 

The sound of the closing door pulls her out of her thoughts and she frowns, Anya didn't notify her that she is coming today. She knows Lexa doesn't like to be surprised, she likes to prepare for certain things, a visit from her sister for example. 

"Hey kid! I'm sorry I didn't call you but I haven't heard from you in a few days, I was in the area and thought I could look after you." Anya appears in her living room and sinks down beside her on the couch. Lexa tries to hide the website on her laptop but she is too slow in doing so and her sister catches a glimpse of it. 

"Wait a second, is that the dating website that we made a profile for? You're actually still on that?" 

Lexa thinks about lying for a moment but there's the glee she always feels when she gets a message from Clarke. She is not stupid, even if she is not an expert with feelings she knows that it's probably not just anticipation. She should just go for it and have that awkward talk with her sister but at least she is smarter after it. 

"Yeah, I didn't give it up yet and there is something I wanted to talk to you about concerning the dating site. I erm I think I met someone?" If it wasn't such a serious topic she would've laughed at the way Anya almost snapped her neck with how fast her head whipped around to look at her, "you did what? I thought you said you met someone."

"Yeah I think you called it that. Look the women - Clarke - who sent me a message the day we made the profile? We started talking and have been ever since. She is really nice and never said anything about me not wanting a relationship. She kinda gets me I think? And you know the best part? She doesn't think I'm creepy or strange or weird, she said I'm adorable. I like that I really do but every time my laptop or my phone beeps with a new message from her I get this fuzzy feelings and I don't know what to do."

Anya is looking at her little sister, speechless. Never in all this years she has she seen so much emotion from her sister when another human being was involved and frankly she is not sure whether she is happy or concerned with this development,"I get why you're nervous about this but Lex as long as you're happy and she is good to you there's nothing to worry about. Try to just embrace it as it comes, I know now that is very hard for you but please try okay?" 

Lexa nods, "okay I'll try."

"Good now why don't you tell me more about Clarke." 

Anya has never seen a smile spread so quickly on her sisters face. 

"Where should I start? Oh I know she has two roommates Octavia and Raven…"

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