Chat Conversation II

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Clarke0507: I'm very sorry I didn't sent you a message yesterday. I was out with my roommates and I just didn't have the time. I know routine is important to you and you probably were out of it. Is there something I can do? 

Clarke desperately hoped for an answer,the guilty feeling eating away at her. Her friends told her that Lexa is a big girl and could handle one day without a message but she knew that it isn't that easy. When she saw the typing symbol an the chat her heart felt a lot lighter. 

LexaRexa is typing. 

LexaRexa: Hey Clarke. Yesterday was a pretty bad day all in all but Anya was there and she helped to dwell some of the anxiety. Thank you for your concern tho. 

Well not exactly friendly like always but Lexa talks to her, she'll take it. 

Clarke0507: I'm very very sorry! I won't happen again I promise. Was the anxiety that bad? Did you need to do something against it? 

LexaRexa: No, fortunately I went away on its own. I have like a special technique that helps me with it but I don't want to bore you with it. How was your day with your roommates? 

Clarke0507: You don't bore me you know that! Tell me about it :) Yesterday was pretty good it was overdue, we had a lot of fun. 

That made Lexa pause. She knew that Clarke was pretty interested in her diagnosis and asked a lot of questions to understand her better but she had still trouble to believe that she is the first human being besides her family that is not bored or sometimes frustrated by it. The warm feeling in her chest increased tenfold. 

LexaRexa: I'm glad to hear that, from what I remember your friends are very important to you right? Like family? Well as for the anxiety attacks it always helps me to wear comfortable clothes, they have to be soft that always calms me down. I cuddle up on the couch with hot chocolate and a good movie. 

She doesn't know why but imagining Lexa in soft pyjamas with her cute glasses sitting on the couch and cuddled up in a lot of blankets starring transfixed on the screen made butterflies swirl in her stomach. 

Clarke0507: I have to be honest, that image is quite adorable :) Yeah as I don't really have family besides my mom the rugrats kinda became my family. They are like your soft pyjamas on a hard day for me. How is work? 

LexaRexa: Quite good, I have interesting topics so the articles kind of write themselves. I hope it stays that way for some time. How have you been at work? There weren't any big accidents on the news so I guess nothing that terrible happened? 

Clarke0507: No, it was quite good. Some little accidents nothing to worry about. I'm quite glad I can't quite shake off the accident a few days ago. Sometimes it's hard. 

Lexa pauses, she's afraid what she wants to say next is too childish but Clarke always calls her adorable and she asks Anya that means something good so maybe she should try it? 

LexaRexa is typing. 

Then she stops and deletes it. To hell with it. 

LexaRexa: You could try watching Brother Bear. It's one of my favourite movies actually. 

Lexa can feel the heat in her cheeks she prays Clarke doesn't see her as a child for still watching Disney movies. 

Clarke0507: Do you have any idea how cute you are? Seriously I never met anyone like you. 

LexaRexa: I hope that is a good thing? 

Clarke0507: Yes don't worry :) 

Clarke0507 is typing. 

Clarke0507: Lexa I know it's not your thing and you'll probably say no but would you like to meet up for coffee some time? You could choose the time and place so it would be easier for you? 

Lexa never expected Clarke to ask her to meet on real life so she had no time to prepare for it but what she really didn't expect is that the proposal didn't scare her off as bad as she thought. Maybe it would be quite nice to meet with Clarke and there was a coffee shop right opposite her apartment. She would be home in a few seconds if she so desired. Also Clarke kind of makes her feel safe. 

LexaRexa: Actually there is a coffee shop near my apartment. We could meet there if you like. 

Okay Clarke that is it. She said yes, not that she expected it but her heart felt like it beat out of her chest. Don't fuck this up! 

Clarke0507: That would be lovely, how about sometime next week? You like to prepare for stuff like this right? 

Lexa couldn't stop the stupid grin from forming in her lips, Clarke remembered. 

LexaRexa: Yeah, nice that you remembered. 

Clarke0507: Anytime! So it's quite late I'm gonna go to bed alright? 

LexaRexa: Of course sweet dreams Clarke! 

Clarke0507: Good night Lexa! 

Later when Clarke is laying in bed one thought suddenly pops into her head and doesn't let her sleep for the most night. Did she ask Lexa out on a date? And did Lexa really accept? Well that depends on whether the brunette thinks of it as a date or not. This thing suddenly got way more complicated.

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