The Second Date

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The next day and Lexa is right there, the same seat as yesterday and she is feels ready this time. Well okay she feels better than the first time she was here but know she knows the outline of the coffee shop, the toilets and already met someone of the staff. Her tea stands in front of her, right next to a cup of coffee and a some baked goods she got for Clarke. Lexa sorts through everything she wants to tell the blonde when she gets here, the date was great, she likes to have a second one and go from there. She talked to Anya the evening before, told her all the things that swirled in her head and her sister helped her in aligning the right things. 

This time when legs appear in her vision she is prepared and can't help but smile at Clarke, who is standing in front of her and smiling right back. 

"Hey there, did you wait for long?" 

Lexa just shakes her head, a blush coating her cheeks. 

"Good, I was worried. Sorry I'm late there was a accident that we had to take care off."

"No problem, you're saving lives that's pretty important. I erm I got you coffee and something to eat, I figured you might be hungry."

Without thinking about it Clarke presses a kiss on Lexa's hair and sits down next to her but the brunette stiffens at first not really used to being touched without warning and finds that she really doesn't mind. 

"You are an angel, thank you very much Lex."

And soon they are talking about anything and nothing just like yesterday, the more they talk they more they notice that there is hardly anything they have in common but here comes the thing they are not bothered by that, it makes they're conversations interesting. Despite them having such a lovely talk they both knew they needed to talk about what's happening between them and ironically they both were afraid of each others reaction. Clarke is the first one to take a deep breath and just goes for it. 

"Lexa, listen I need to talk to you about something. It's about the last few weeks. I know you are not interested in a relationship, I thought so too but over the time you changed that. I really like you and I'm not scared when I think of a relationship with you. That doesn't mean that we have to date straight away but I would like to know you better and as more as a friend. It's alright if you don't want the same, we agreed on something different when we started this whole thing, I just wanted to be honest with you."

Clarke finishes her small speech and stares at Lexa trying to read her facial expression. The brunette is speechless, she expected something way different than what her friend just told her. She expected rejection, Clarke letting her down easy because she thinks Lexa is just too weird or complicated for her and if she is honest it kind off broke her heart a little bit but as it turns out the beautiful blonde actually feels the same. And sometimes she thinks life can be so easy if you're just honest with each other. 

Now the hard part begins, Lexa has to risk the fall again as she did with Costia and she has to trust Clarke to catch her if needed. Like a free fall, she takes together all her courage and steps over the edge. 

“That's well, I wanted to talk to you too. I know I'm bad at this but just bear with me okay?”

Clarke nods, the signal for Lexa to go on and take all the time she needs. She's not worried over the lack of answer, she knows the brunettes mind works differently.

“Okay so I talked to my sister yesterday, because I don't know what we're doing here. I looked it up at website for relationship advice. There I found an article about dates and we'll according to that site we're dating, like we had a date and we kissed which we both liked. You liked it right?"

Clarke can only nod, too amused with Lexa right now. 

"So good, you liked it too and we now have our second date. I'm surprised because the thought of dating you doesn't scare me, well not much anyway so I think I want to give it a try but you have to guide me because I have no idea how any of this works."

Looking at her handwritten notes Lexa is pleased to see that she covered any point that she wanted to talk about. Was that too clinical? 

Clarke on the other hand can't stop grinning. The woman is simply too adorable for her own good. She's glad that she had the guts to talk to Lexa because sometimes things can be simple. She bends over the table to take the brunettes hand in her own. 

"I'm glad that we are on the same page. I would love to see how this can develop so I let's do it slow? Just see how it goes? We can talk about, how would you say? Any further development when we see fit" 

A smile begins to firm on Lexas face, more radiant than anything Clarke has seen in her young life. 

"I would like that very much. Thank you." 

Clarke answers with a smile of her own. 

"Would you like another tea or maybe some hot chocolate? We could stay and you know maybe talk some more?" 

Lexa just grins and nods. It looks like this could be truly the start of something wonderful.

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