The Date

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Lexa has been nervous the whole day, looking out of the window over to the coffee shop again and again, trying to calm down. She has two hours left and with each passing minute her anxiety level rises but at the same time there is a calmness in her that stops her from freaking out and she is really certain who the cause for that is.

She doesn’t really know why but she is not nearly as nervous as she has been for the dates she had with Costia, what is there about Clarke that makes her so different from all the others? Maybe tonight she can get an answer to that and there she is thinking about it again, so much for distracting herself. Anya offered to clock out early from work so that she could be there for her even though they recently got a new colleague that needs to be trained but Lexa declined. Her sister's job as a social worker is tiring enough as it is and Anya shouldn’t always have to play the babysitter for her, she did that for too long. She feels better since she started the new therapy with Indra and it’s time that Anya gets some rest, she needs the chance to love her own life.

Lexa looks at the coffee shop for another few minutes, then heads for the shower. It is almost time.


“Jesus Clarke, calm down! You’re starting to make ME nervous and I’m not going on this date.” Harper, her fellow paramedic, rolls her eyes. Clarke stops her fidgeting and grins at the blonde on the driver seat next to her. Her shift is almost over, she gets so see Lexa soon and she is excited as hell. Okay she barely has time to change after her shift so she has no time for makeup and hair but Lexa is not the type to pay much attention to such things and for that she is glad. It will probably be the most relaxing date she has ever had.

“Who on earth is this person that got you so excited? I hardly see you like this, especially because of a woman.” Harper grins at her for a short moment then she fixes her eyes on the road again.

“Harp, she is just special you know? Different than anyone I met. She just says whats on her mind, no filter at all, she is interested in all kinds of things so talking to her is never boring and she doesn't want a relationship so it's more like hanging out.”

She feels Harpers stare on her. 

“Wait wait, hold up. She's not interested in a relationship but you have a date with her tonight? That doesn't add up. You sure this is a date?

Clarke frowns because well she never quite thought about it like that. She knows that Lexa has no desire for a girlfriend but still she thinks of them meeting as a date. How does the brunette feel about this? Is this a date for her as well? God she should have been clear about this, why did they never talk about it? With all her other dates things were always clear, meeting for coffee or going out to eat equals going out in a more or less romantic scene, well okay is always ended in one night stands but still Lexa thinks differently than most people.

She is not capable of reading between lines or knows about costums. Clarke remembers how she told her that her ex girlfriend was making innuendos of having feelings for her and was sad that Lexa never reciprocated till she found out that the brunette had absolutely no idea what was happening.

“Clarke is everything okay? I’m sorry if I said something wrong.” Harpers hand covers her own softly and squeezes to pull her out of her thoughts.

“No, it’s alright and you didnt say something wrong. You’re actually right and I noticed we never talked about it, now I don't know where we stand and that kinda sucks.”

“Everything is gonna work just fine you’ll see.”

Clarke leans her head against the window. “I really hope you’re right.”


Lexa chooses a seat near the door like she always does on the rare occasions when she visits a place like this. It’s not meant as an escape route but it calms her that she could. She is actually pretty early but she likes to be, that way she can get a feeling or the place she is in, for example where the restrooms are, what they offer to drink and to eat and various other things. Knowing is the key for calmness, anything unknown causes anxiety. Talking to the employees is difficult enough, she doesn’t need other things to occupy her further it often leads to a panic attack. Her leg bounces like crazy and her hands shake so she thinks she should probably only get some tea or water but before she can get up her eyes land on long and strong legs which are stopping right beside her. Lexa knows who this legs belong to and her heart starts beating fast and her palms are wetter than ever before.

“Hey Lexa, nice to finally meet you in person.”

God that voice, it makes her feel really funny and her stomach explodes with butterflies. She looks up and sees Clarke for the first time and as cheesy as it sounds she stops breathing for a second. The eyes were really blue on her profile picture but they are even more beautiful in real life.

“Are you okay? Is it too loud or too crowded in here? Would you like to go somewhere else?”

Clarke is getting concerned, the brunette hasn’t said a word and she didn’t even move, she just kinda froze. Lexa blinks and nearly swoons, the blonde remembered and may even be the first person outside her family who pays so much attention to her condition. Her throat is dry so she takes a quick sip of her tea.

“Hey Clarke, no everything is good you’re just very pretty and I like your legs they’re really long.”

The the surprise of both women the comment doesn’t cause awkward silence, Clarke has to smile at the bluntness and Lexa can’t help but smile herself and then lower her eyes while a bunch spreads her cheeks.

“Why thank you”, Clarke smirks, “I’m going to get me some coffee I’ve been awake for a while now. You want some too?”

“No, I’m not supposed to drink coffee, anything with too much sugar really. You know too much sugar makes you nervous and kinda edgy? It's way worse for me and can cause a panic attack."

"Okay understandable that you avoid it. You want some tea or water then?" 

"Tea would be great, anything with berries please."

"Coming right up!" 

Clarke leaves the table with an extra spring and steps up to the counter. Lexa looks after her and thinks that this may be the most comfortable she felt with another person and she's excited about what's to come. This will be a great evening. 

The blonde in line for some drinks can't help but grin to herself, she's not one for relationships but damn her if she let's this beauty get away from her.

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