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Anya has been by Lexa’s side since she can remember, well since her little sister was born. She was 5 to that time and even this young she’s sworn herself that she will do anything to protect her. Lexa has always been a private person, not needing other human beings to entertain herself or for being happy. Which is fine but over time the family noticed that she had absolutely no idea how to behave around other people. That leads to more and more awkward moments and that in turn lead to Lexa to stop trying at all. So you can maybe imagine Anya's surprise when her baby sister told her about going on a date and while telling that gloating like she won a role in the new Lord of the Rings series. She was seating on hot coals till the brunette called almost seven hours after their date began.

“I swear to god she is kind of perfect, I’ve never met another person who I actually want to spend more time with, not less. You now like Legolas met Gimli and they kind of hate each other but then become the best of friends? I always thought people suck but then I met Clarke and she is kinda cool and perfect. Did I mention that already?” 

And that is something Anya was fairly sure she would never hear something like that.

“That sound promising, was she nice to you? Or did she like say everything super slow and stress every word like Costa did?”

“She was absolutely fantastic, always a little careful about me and me being nervous about my sourindings. We talked about so many and different things, well I mostly did the talking. You know I tend to ramble in such a moment and I basically told her about my whole life, I just couldn’t stop. Clarke listened and asked questions.”

“So not as bored as you thought she would be?”

“No, not at all and talking to her never got boring. Most people tend to shut down when I talk about my favourite movies and all, she hates science fiction but she listened and asked questions about it.”

“I’m glad you had so much fun. Does that mean you’re seeing her again?” 

Anya is almost scared to ask that question. Chances are that Lexa takes this as a positive thing but continues to hide in her apartment.

“Well I kissed her and in those romantic movies you made me watch they always go on a second date after a kiss right? So I asked her for a second date.”

Anya feels her jaw going and her fingers going slack and the phone falls out of her grasp. Lexa, not interested in any human contact or relationships kissed another woman and that quite willingly apparent in the nonchalant tone of her sister. She faintly hears her sister calling her name and picks up her phone.

“You did what?”

“We talked about me always being careful and not just doing things, how she put it? Oh yeah doing something for the hell of it and she said I should do something now you know without thinking of the consequences.”

“And you kissed her? You know I love you but don’t you think it’s shitty to do so without feelings for her? You know she suggested going on this date which I think means she at least fancies you to some extent.”

There is a long silence on the other end of the line and Anya doesn’t know what to make out of it.

“Why did you do it anyway? I thought you don’t want a relationship.”

Her question is followed with another few seconds of silence.

“Lexa are you okay over there? Want me to come over?”

“Actually yeah, there is something I want to talk to you about.”

“I’ll be right there.”

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