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three months later.
extreme aggressor

JACKSON HUNT WAS THE last to board the jet, following the team

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JACKSON HUNT WAS THE last to board the jet, following the team. He kept his bag next to him as he took a seat next to agent Hotchner and laid the case file out on his lap. Jackson began to the study the file before him, determined to play catch up and be on the same level as the rest of them when they discussed the killer. Despite the movement and mental stimulation around him that would be distractions to anyone else, Jackson kept his focus on the case and read through it quite quickly.

He flipped back through the file when finished reading it the first time, and hummed softly. Already, Jackson's mind was turning with thoughts and had caught agent Hotchner's attention.

"Something you'd like to say, Hunt?" Aaron asked, leaving whatever conversation he was apart of and glanced towards the new agent.

Jackson bit at his lip as he glanced through the file once again, "It's interesting, five girls missing, and four confirmed dead, and there's hardly any evidence. It's almost like he's done this before."

Agent Hotchner nodded, "We'll see about that, but first, I'd like to introduce you to the team." He looked towards his other agents, "SSA Derek Morgan, SSA Jason Gideon and Dr. Spencer Reid. Jackson Hunt, welcome to the team and you're early since your first day was technically tomorrow."

Derek Morgan stretched out his hand, and Jackson shook it with a small smile. "Welcome to the team, man."

"Thanks," Jackson nodded, "It's honoring to be on this team, it's a big step up from where I used to be."

"Alright," Hotchner interrupted, "We can do get-to-know-me's later, and introduce you to the rest of the team. For now, let's focus on this missing girl."

It actually took a few minutes for everyone to be on the same speed, and for the jet to take off safely. Jackson used this time to come up with his own theories and reread the case file for probably the fifth time already. In all honesty, though, Jackson didn't mind because this stimulated his brain more than when he worked as a cop back home.

Dr. Spencer Reid started out the discussion, "His first victim was twenty-six year old Melissa Kirsh. Stab wounds, strangulation. . ."

"Wait, wait. Back up, back up," he was interrupted by Derek Morgan, who held his hand up and signaled everyone to slow down a minute. "He stabbed her. . . and then strangled her to finish her off?" He questioned.

"Other way around," agent Gideon told him and didn't skip a beat. "Why do you think he started using a belt with the second murder?"

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