Chapter 6: The confession

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Errors P.O.V

I was  on my bed in long thought at the moment. I wondered if I should tell Kiki how I feel...I was afraid of getting rejected by him. I grabbed some chocolate out of my chocolate stash and ate the whole thing in one bite, including the wrapper. Heh..boy....was I weird. Kiki also found it weird that I eat the wrapper to. I swallowed the Chocolate and thought some more. My soul couldn't take more damage, due to it was half broken. I was sensitive, even though I don't act like it usually. Me showing that I'm sensitive will make me look weak. And I didn't really wanna look weak infront of ink. I kept on thinking until I heard a knock on my door. "CoMe iN" I said in my glitched voice. All this thinking has made me stressed. The door opened to reveal my one and only shorty. "Heya ruru" he said cheerfully trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. But even if he tried his face says it all. I motioned him to come over and have a seat. He hesitantly came over and sat down beside me. "So what's up?" I asked.

Inks P.O.V

"So what's up?" He asked. I tensed up. He gave me a questioning look. I had took some advice from blue to tell error how I felt about him. 'welp it's to late to back down...' I thought. I sighed. "Error...I have to tell you something..." I looked the other way to hide my blush. "Ok go on" he said. I didn't think I could do this! 'Ohhgodohgodohgodohgodohgoddddsss' I thought. I was about to puke but swallowed hard. My stomach was hurting, like a l o t. "U-u-ummm....uh....." I stuttered, trying to find words. He gave me a more questioning look. After a minute I finally got the courage to tell him. "Ok, I really really really REALLY like you, more than a friend. I've always liked you, I was confused at first, but I just can't stop thinking about you, it's non-stop..." He just stared at me with his blushing face. "Well...I've was actually going to tell you..I like you the same way..but..I was to scared of rejection.." he answered back. I blushed and hid my face in my scarf. I suddenly grew the E X T R A confidence to kiss him. "Sorry ruru, please don't kill me.." before he asked any questions I kissed him. He immediately kissed back. We kissed for about a minute until I pulled away. I was blushing so much, I could see it. I quickly shouted, "IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY-" He cut me off by hugging me. "Pffftttttt, quiet. I love you and nothing can change that" I smiled and hugged him back.

Errors P.O.V

after he pulled away from the kiss he immideatly shouted, "IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY-" I quickly cut him off by hugging him. "Pffftttttt, quiet. I love you and nothing can change that" I said. He smiled and hugged me back. We hugged for like a minute until I let go of him. "I'm going to go get groceries, you can stay here if ya want" I said. "Can I go with you..?" He asked. I nodded my head and we both headed out the door. Once we were out of the house, I held his hand. He started to slightly blush. We were now infront of this store called 'walmart' and we went in. Everyone was giving us weird looks, like we were crazy or something. He started to feel uncomfortable and stayed behind me. I could tell by the looks of his face. I  grabbed a cart and started walking towards the freezer foods. "Do you want anything from here, Kiki?" I asked. He nodded and took pizza out of the freezer, and put it in the cart. He was looking for something, since he kept looking around in random places. "Is there anything else you want?" I asked. He immediately said "C O O K I E S" I chuckled at his adorableness and started to look for the sweet section. Once we arrived there he immediately grabbed 3 boxes of cookies. Wow he really loved cookies. I can imagine him getting married to a cookie XD. so after that I headed for the soups and got a couple of tomato soup cans. I went to go look for the bread and cheese to make grilled cheese. Once we were done shopping and paying for stuff we started to head home with the groceries. Once we were at the house I unlocked the door and opened it for him to go in first. He went in, then I did and shut the door behind us. We started putting groceries away when I seen ink trying to get in the cabinet to put the cookies there. I chuckled and picked him up for him to reach. He immediately blushed and put the cookies in the cabinet. I set him down and kissed his head. "My point has been proven~" I said. His cheeks puffed out and looked away, his blush kinda dying down.

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