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Carlos could immediately feel something was wrong walking into Ben's office. Ben had only recently been crowned king and they had grown distant. Now, standing in his office Carlos knew why. Audrey sat on Ben's lap the two wrapped up in one another kissing. Once Ben noticed Carlos standing there he pulled away from Audrey clearing his throat.

"I can explain." Ben's voice sounded cold, hollow. Something about this all felt wrong. Carlos couldn't speak. It felt as though his lungs had filled with water and he was drowning from the hurt ready to spill out. "Carlos, I'm sorry we haven't talked about this sooner but as King, I need someone who can stand by me and give me children. I need someone with status and who the kingdom will approve. As much as I had feelings for you, you were just the bad boy infatuation. You and I knew it wouldn't last. I think it is best you leave." Ben's voice didn't even hint at any bit of regret or an apologetic tone. It was like ice had pumped directly into his veins. This all just felt so wrong.

"Ben!" Carlos cried sitting up abruptly from his bed, drenched in a heavy sweat. Ben roused from beside him sitting up as well, wrapping an arm around Carlos comfortingly.

"What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Ben asked concerned. His voice was normal again, hinted with tones of worry and sleepiness. Carlos nodded as the water that felt like it had filled his lungs spilled from his eyes, burying his face against Ben's chest. "Shhhh... shhh... it's okay Carlos, it was only a dream. Everything is okay. I promise." Ben's arms were warm like his voice and more comforting than anything. His crying subsided quickly, and he sat upright feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry... I had a bad dream that I was just some bad boy phase to you... It scared me." Carlos couldn't fully shake the dream off and the worry found a home at the pit of his stomach. Ben sighed softly and smiled charming and warm, like his hugs.

"You are not a phase to me Carlos. You don't need to worry about that. We have known each other long enough by now that you should know I would never do that to you. I care about you a lot. So don't worry. I know it isn't something you can help but know I mean what I say." His lips finding Carlos' as he pulls him down onto the bed close to cuddle up together.

Carlos felt better from what Ben said but it wasn't completely gone. Part of him knew that no matter what he would always be the boy from the Isle. Somethings you can't just forget. However, laying in Ben's arm's curled up and warm, he could at least try. So he did, he laid there in Ben's embrace just thinking about the things the two of them could do together here in Auradon. It was all pleasant thoughts until Ben's alarm clock went off, knocking him out of any pleasant thinking and back into the moment.

"Wanna take a shower?" Ben asked not thinking at first until he saw the blush on Carlos' face creep up. "Separately of course... I mean... you know." Ben corrected feeling his own cheeks flush as well. For someone who always seems to know just what to say he sure could put his foot in his mouth. Carlos nodded and got up heading with Ben into the bathroom so he could turn the shower on for him before Ben went to grab Carlos some of his spare clothes to wear.

Carlos slipped into the hot shower and reveled again at how nice everything was in Auradon City compared to Isle City. The shower actually worked correctly, and the water didn't smell of anything off or strange. It was just all clean and fresh with nice soaps that smell delicious rather than like chemicals. As a fan of chemistry class however, Carlos didn't mind the chemical smell too much, but it was nice to think of smelling like something other than a chemical solution. Ben had a body wash that smelled like mint and sandalwood. Once Carlos was out and done, he walked into the bedroom wrapped in one of Ben's blue towels. Ben couldn't help but stare a little bit before gesturing to a neat pile of clothes for Carlos.

"S-sorry... I don't have anything in black and white." He chuckled a little bit face quite red. Carlos smiled a bit and gave Ben a kiss. As Ben headed for the shower, he glanced back to see Carlos from behind as he undid the towel getting a glimpse of his ass before nearly running into the bathroom door. Ben took a cooler shower than Carlos did but took his time letting Carlos dress before coming out. Now it was Carlos' turn to turn red in the face and look away covering his eyes. Ben chuckled but quickly got dressed.

"You can open your eyes now Carlos." Ben teased a little bit nudging him gently.

"Sorry I just didn't want to see anything I wasn't supposed to." Carlos blushed furiously letting his brain do some imagining of what things could have been like under that towel. Ben nudged him again brushing away those thoughts.

"How gentlemanly of you." Ben smiled pulling Carlos into a sweet kiss. "Ready to eat breakfast with my parents?" Ben asked and Carlos visibly gulped. He had completely forgotten that he was going to have to have breakfast with the king and queen. To make matters worse he was going to have to do it while wearing Ben's clothes. He could only hope they didn't get the wrong idea. Knowing his luck they would probably assume the worst since he is from Isle City and all. Ben wrapped his arms around Carlos hugging him and easing away his worries.

"Don't worry, they will love you. I know it." Ben comforted him, leading him out of the room and down the halls towards the dining hall.

(A/N): I'm sorry if this chapter isn't very good I'm not in the best headspace right now but I don't want to leave you guys hanging. <3

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