Repair and Return

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It didn't take long for word of what was going on and what really happened to spread across Auradon Prep. Soon everyone was whispering about how Audrey cheated on Ben when they were still together, how she set up the breakup and so much more. The tables had turned on the little miss popular. She was no longer very popular and most of her friends abandoned her at the revelation of what kind of person she could be. To Audrey, none of this was her fault. It was all Mal's fault for roping her into this crazy scheme, ignoring the fact that she herself was hellbent on getting her ex-boyfriend back desperately. In the grand scheme, this was an eye-opening experience for Audrey into who she really was. She quickly learned that who she was, she didn't like it. She decided then and there to change and be a person she could like, rather than the manipulative and selfish girl she had been.

Meanwhile, the Vk's had met up that weekend with Ben to discuss the whole thing. Jay admitted to being involved with giving Chad the photograph but ultimately had to be told and shown everything. Jay reluctantly sided with Carlos and Ben against Mal. He usually would side with Mal but there was no denying that what she had done was pretty damning.

"I can't believe you would do something like this Mal. I knew you were keeping secrets and that you really didn't care for Ben but I never imagined you would go so far as to actually hurt one of our own. You hurt Carlos Mal." Evie restated seeming completely lost as to how she could have been so blind.

"I know, and I'm sorry okay? This whole VK Career is important to me and I didn't want Ben to ruin that, especially with how adamant mother was about getting us our start. I know I fucked up." Mal couldn't help but sound strained and defeated, it was all out in the open now and she knew there was no getting out of it this time. She royally fucked up. Jay and Carlos seemed to agree with this sentiment and were equally cold at first but Ben wasn't that type of guy. Whether it be innocence, naivety, or some form of stupidity Ben couldn't look at her as coldly as the other boys did.

"I forgive you Mal. I don't trust you, but I can forgive you. I have Carlos back and everything has worked out in the end. I just hope next time you feel threatened that you say something directly instead of concocting evil schemes to handle your issues. You should know that the VK's are my favorite group, that's why I had you all at my birthday party to begin with." Ben said warm but still with a firm voice. "I would never do anything to break up the VK's or stop you guys from turning what you love into a career. You are a music group and friends, first and foremost. You matter to Carlos too, all the more reason that I would never compromise that." He sighed heavily holding Carlos' hand. Carlos softened and looked at Mal with pity.

"Look, I don't hate you, we don't hate you and none of us want this group the fall apart but I think you really need to take some time to think about how much you really hurt me and Ben. I don't care about how messed up the intentions and everything was, I care that you understand how truly hurt I was thinking the one person saving me from my mother and pain had cheated on me. You know what mother did to me and how she treated me. I trusted you to have my back and you stabbed me in it. That really fucking hurts girl." Carlos forced back frustrated tears and Mal could only nod letting him speak. She came over and gave him a hug.

"I know Carlos, I know I wasn't a good friend to you. I have no excuses but I hope you can forgive me and that we can still be friends after all of this." Mal and Carlos hugged tightly, Ben watching her a little warily still.

"I forgive you Mal, but it is going to take some time before I can trust you again. You really did me dirty." Carlos finally said lifting his head high and letting Ben take his hand again.

Things started to go back to a semblance of normal from then on. The school ultimately gave Mal and Audrey both detentions for a week for spreading rumors and stirring up trouble. Carlos and Ben settled back into their relationship easily, hopelessly in love with one another. Carlos and Ben did have to have a discussion about Samuel after they were comfortable again, Carlos didn't really like him that much, he was mostly just trying to latch onto something during his period of heartbreak. It didn't matter much anyway as Carlos and Ben kept their distance from Samuel. In return he kept his distance from the pair, eventually slipping Carlos a note apologizing for everything. Samuel still cared for Carlos, but it remained a one-sided attraction as the monochromatic boy had found his love solely focused on the brown-haired lover he shared a dorm with. Everything finally seemed to be working its way to peace and perfection. The couple had settled their quarrels and even accepted Audrey into their group of friends. Mal and Evie got back together again even. It had been a month since things had gone down and everyone was content as news of a fashion program would be opening up at Auradon Prep with a famous fashion designer set to spearhead the program. Carlos and Evie were immediately thrilled at the prospect of getting to develop their designing talents beyond just VK costumes. However, no one knew who the famous fashion designer was.

Cruella De Vil sat back in the chair across from the headmistress of Auradon Prep. They were going over the program details at length over cups of tea. To the headmistress, Cruella was a polite and well-mannered woman with an unfortunate name. Behind her alabaster exterior of propriety lied nothing but rage and cruelty, with one thing circling her mind. Revenge.

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