The Pink Flyer

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This wasn't what Chase was expecting. All he could do was peer out from behind the velvet curtains as bright lights lit up the shiny, navy blue stage. Surrounding the stage was a sea of spectators, whooping and hollering- waiting to be entertained by Damon's Paradise's newest dancer: "Black Mamba".


The alarm blared, tearing itself through Chase's unconscious mind and rousing him from his sleep. He groggily rose up out of bed and rubbed his eyes- slinging his legs over the side of the bed and getting up. He trudged out of his room and down the hallway towards the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed his face before drying it off and looking in the slightly cracked mirror. His thick, curly hair was a wild mess, yet he always managed to style it into place right before he left for school. He turned on the shower and went to bathe himself.

Chase Galiel Machaëlle was known as a guy whose personality contradicted his looks. He was 6'3 with a sturdy build and was a native to Trinidad. He was pretty attractive- his eyes often described as "honey" and his skin being a rich, deep brown. Many people loved the way his dimples became increasingly prevalent when he smiled which earned him the nickname, "Crater Dimples".

Chase finished up and turned it off, drying off and wrapping his lower body with his black-and-white towel. He left the bathroom and made his way back to the room, stopping short when he saw the shadow of his uncle by his dresser.

"Oh, uh- hey!" He jumped back, caught off guard.

"Good morning Chase," Antwon fiddled around with his alarm clock in hand before shutting it off. "You forgot to turn it off."

"Right," he scratched the back of his head, bashfully. He was totally out of it. He didn't mean to wake the guy up so early in the morning. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Go get dressed," he waved him off before going into the kitchen to fix him something.

Huh. That was strange. He would normally just go back to sleep. Wasn't he tired? Oh well. Chase shrugged and went into his room to get dressed for school.

Chase went to a highly rated, college prep school that sat atop a large hill adjacent to the Oakland hills. Upon him coming to America, his uncle only wanted the best of the best schools for him- even if it meant breaking an arm or a leg to get him there. In his eyes, he had potential and was destined for greatness.

Thanks to this mentality and determination, he was able to pull himself by his bootstraps and become quarterback and team captain of his school. It was impressive, to say the least, though it did often make him a target by the other jocks.

He put on his uniform, which consisted of a stark white button-down, a navy-blue vest, slacks, and a red tie. He tied his wild hair back into a low, bushy ponytail and went into the kitchen for breakfast.

On the table, there was two plates filled with over-easy eggs, toast, and bacon. Chase took his seat at the small wooden table and was served ice-coffee.

"So, what's the occasion?" He smiled, his eyes brightening as he locked eyes with his Uncle.

"Nothing really," Antwon fixed himself some coffee and sat across from him.

"Oh c'mon Ant, it's not like you to fix an elaborate breakfast like this, especially considering that you have work in the morning."

Antwon fell silent. The island native could instantly sense something was up.

"You okay?" He asked, worried.

Antwon sighed before taking another sip of his coffee and opening his mouth. "You remember that little office job I had?"

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