Chapter 4

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My head felt like it was going to explode.

I reached my left hand up and felt something sticky on my temple. I brought my hand down and saw the dark red blood that coated my fingers. I looked around confused, where am I?

I was covered with soft, white sheets from a twin sized bed. The room was small and empty. I heard noises from what I was guessing was the other side of the building. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and gently stood up. I felt weak and extremely confused, how did I get here? I tip-toed towards the door and turned the knob, there was a short hallway and it was empty.

I heard voices and quietly started making my way towards them. My heart started pounding harder in my chest, the closer I got to the voices. I couldn't shake the thought of where I am and how I got here.

"You are the one the brought her into our house so you are in charge of her." a deep, masculine voice said.

"Did you expect me to just leave a young lady out in the wild, especially with what has been happening?!" the feminine voice sounded irritated.

"What's been happening?" I surprised the assumed couple who were standing in a kitchen, separated by a counter. The male was fairly tall with dark hair and the female, falling an inch below the male, with long red hair and glasses.

The couple was frozen in place and they were staring at me like I had two heads, "who are you guys?"

"I think we should be asking you that" the male spoke up first. I glanced at the female and noticed the look of pity.

"My name is..." I tried to remember my name, but my mind was a complete blank. "I don't remember my name" the couple must have sensed my panic because the female tried coming closer to me, but the male shot his arm out to stop her.

"What's the last thing you remember?" the female's question was directed at me, but she was looking at the man.

I focused on my memories and came up blank again, "I don't know."

There was a silence that filled the small kitchen and I focused on the sun rays that shone in through the window. My panic was growing and my chest was constricting, making it more difficult to breathe. The room was slowing down and my eyes squeezed shut, I was hyperventilating. I felt hesitant, gentle hands support my face and I heard a distant voice, "it's going to be okay, you're safe now."

After several minutes, the fog of my panic started to diminish slowly and I noticed the female trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," I quickly backed away from the female and noticed the man was trying to hide how prepared he was to attack if need be.

"I found you on the outskirts of our border," the woman explained to me. When I looked at her, she continued, "you were barely breathing and there's been more rogue sightings than usual around all the packs."

I let it all sink in, "did I have anything on me that would give any indication to who I am?"

The frown on the woman's face was answer enough and dread filled me.

"I'm Lucy and this is my mate, Travis," she pointed to the male. "How would you feel about going to see our pack doctor?"

I was silent for a few moments, "I think that's a good idea."

Lucy's face brightened with a huge smile and she jumped up excitedly, "okay great, we should get some food in you first and then we can head over, do you prefer pancakes or french toast?"

An hour later, I was sitting in a small room that looked very similar to a hospital room. Lucy was sitting in the chair near the door, while Tavis decided to stay outside by the door. We were waiting for the doctor to come back with test results.

"How are you feeling about everything?" Lucy was looking at me with pity again.

"I'm okay considering the circumstances," I was playing with my hands frustrated. "I just don't understand how I can forget who I am."

Lucy opened her mouth but was interrupted by a knock on the door. The doctor's head popped around the door and she walked in while a small smile on her face.

"Please tell me you have some good news," I pleaded.

"Yes and no."

I was about to ask when the smile on the doctor's face got bigger. "From the blood sample, there appears to be an unusual component that is affecting your memory." I was shocked at those words.

"Are you saying that someone drugged me..."

"I'm saying someone doesn't want you to remember something and I think it's extremely important based off the component they inserted in you."

"Wait, what was the component?" I asked while Lucy asked, "Maybe we should call--"

"I already made the call," the doctor interrupted both of us.

"Will someone please tell what is going on?" I was getting pissed.

"I requested for someone to come help because that component in your blood is wolfsbane bonded with silver."

"Okay," I was trying to stay calm, "First, how am I still alive then?"

"I have no idea, which is why I asked for reinforcement."

"So who is the reinforcement?"

The doctor glanced at Lucy, who suddenly looked petrified and nervous, "Alpha Kyros will be here by nightfall tomorrow."

I felt a shiver through my body at his name, Alpha Kyros.

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