Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

        I hate people sometimes.

        Like, why do they do the things they do? Or say certain things? Maybe it's because I don't have enough patience to deal with stupidity. Well, whatever it is, it results in that person lying on the ground in a lifeless lump.

        Stupid people.

        "Are you going to answer my question, rogue?" I chuckled, the alpha in front of me thought he sounded scary. News flash! You're not, I thought to myself.

        "What's in it for me?" I challenged.

        He growled in annoyance and anger, "I'll make sure to kill you nice and slow!"

        "Awe! How sweet of you!" I gushed sarcastically. I knew I was getting on his nerves by the way his jaw kept tensing, and his fists would clench and unclench every couple seconds. My plan was moving along smoothly. The alpha in front of me, Griffin, was known to be short tempered, and I knew that was the quickest way for him to make the first move allowing me to cross him off my list of alphas to kill.

        Once I was done with him my list will be seven alphas shorter. Surprisingly the previous alphas weren't that much stronger than the one before them so it wasn't that much of a fight for me.

        "I'm tired of this shit!" The alpha boomed rather loudly. "I'm going to rip your head off, filthy rouge!"

        I watch his every move carefully trying to figure out what his next move was. As he crouched a little, bent at the knees and leant forward slightly, I got ready to jump aside. He lunged toward me, reaching for me but I quickly moved out of his reach. I brought my foot up and kicked him square in the chest, knocking the breath out of him momentarily. I shoved him back into a tree hard. He grunted from the impact and pushed off with a furious growl.

        "Is that all you got?" I taunted.

        That did it.

        His face turned red and I swear I saw smoke coming from his ears.

        He ran and jump on me with speed. He held me down to the ground snarling in my face. Before I could comprehend what happened I felt sharp pain shoot through my eye and a trickle of blood drop from my nose.

        Fuck. No.

        Nobody punches my face and gets away with it!

      I brought my knees to my chest and kicked him off. He shifted in mid air into a large, sandy colored wolf. Two can play that game, I thought happily to myself.

        Shifting into my wolf, we both lunged at one another and wrestled for the upper hand. I pushed myself knowing that he had back up on the way. I backed up getting ready to go for the final attack when he grabbed my hind leg in between in teeth roughly. Searing pain shot up my leg when a snap filled the air. Howling, I managed to get out of his hold and looked at him.

        This is my chance.

        His neck was my only shot at succeeding in this killing.

        I pushed all my thoughts to the side and jumped forward. My jaw locked around his jugular, he struggled to get me off before his body slumped when I jerked and snapped his neck.

        I released him and bolted from the scene.


        I hissed in pain every time I put weight on my left leg. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't being followed. I've been walking for a couple hours now since killing the alpha and I don't have as much distance I want due to my injured leg.

        "Fu-," I bit down hard on my tongue to keep from screaming in agony. My bag on my back just added weight to my misery. "Push through the pain," I told myself.

        You need to shift so I can heal us quicker, my wolf's voice spoke loudly in the head making it ache.

        "It was painful enough to shift back to human."

        Shift, she demanded.

        I took my bag off and forced myself to shift through the searing pain. I felt as if I was shifting for the first time again. My bones moved into the shape of my wolf and hair sprouted all over my body. My mouth and nose pulled forward into a muzzle. My hands and legs formed into paws as I fell to the ground exhausted.

        I howled in pain, misery, and agony.

        "Sleep," a deep voice commanded just as I blacked out.

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