Part 1. Beginning

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Evan Pov.

Hi, everyone! I'm Evan. Today I am flying to America, to Tyler and the rest of my lovers: Jonathan, Marcel, Luke, Ryan, Bryce, Craig, David, Lui, Brian and Brock. I have little surprises for them. I want to give them something, as a sign of my love for them. In addition, Tyler now has a big party at his house. And all the rest of my lovers are with him there. So are some of our friends. In addition, i did not inform Tyler of my my arrival, as this should be a surprise. Once a at the exit of the airport, i waited for a taxi driver to take me to Tyler's house. When i got to my destination, i paid a taxi driver, taking my belongings along with gifts. The taxi driver left, and i turned around and ended up in the courtyard of Tyler's house. No one was visible in the windows. Well, of course, they don't expect me to come. Although... the front door was ajar. This is strange! But it doesn't matter. I began to check my bags, which were gifts... suddenly, i heard a bark. I turned around. Kino and Archie, Tyler's dogs, stood at the door way.

 Kino and Archie, Tyler's dogs, stood at the door way

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Their mouths were open, their tongues drooped and their tails joyfully wagged. It seems like they're happy to see me or... i don't know. Suddenly Kino and Archie stumbled and ran toward me. I was frightened. I tried to run away, but was showed to the ground screaming, landing on my ass. Kino and Archie surrounded me and licked my face. I giggled by a little tickling. Yet they are just glad to see me. I was able to get up. The dogs stood on their hind legs and laid their front legs on my belt, reaching to me. I scratched their heads.
"God, you scared me! I wonder if you didn't ruin my face?" - i said out loud.
"In my opinion, you need to wash your face a little with water! Because we wil kiss you later!" There was a voice. I looked up and saw Tyler in the doorway. Kino and Archie ran to him.
"Hey, Tyler." - i said.
"Hey pussy! Why didn't you call me, would i meet you?!" - Tyler said Coming to me.
"I should not have told you, otherwise it was not a surprise!" - i grinned.
"Surprise? SURPRISE? What is this surprise, pussy?" - Tyler grinned, lifting me up in a bridal style and spinning me up.
I laughed. "Ha-ha. S-stop, Tyler! Haha. This gift is not only for you, but for the rest." - i said.
Tyler let me go. Taking my things, we went into his house.
"Hey guys. See who came." - Tyler shouted.
Immediately, the other lovers ran up to me, and met me with kisses on my face, lips and neck, and a strong hug.
"Evy-bear, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" - asked Jonathan.
"He said it should be a surprise!" - said Tyler.
I went into the living room. "Hey Evan. What up!" Someone screamed. I looked around and saw Angel(The_GachaArtist) waving at me. With her were Abby(abbyloveanime18), Alexa and Luna(Lunafire37). They also waved to me.
"Oh, hello girls." - i said.
"So what are these gifts, Evan?" - Luke asked.
"Well, now I'll get them for you." - i said. I took a bag with gifts and took out small boxes wrapped in ribbons and distributed to my lovers.
"What is it?" - asked Brian.
"Now you will see. Open!" - i said with a smile.
The guys opened the boxes and they gasped.
"What is it guys?" - Luna asked.
"What have you got?" - asked Scott, running up to us.
"These are the medallions, with your favorite aninals, boys!" - i said with a smile.

"These are the medallions, with your favorite aninals, boys!" - i said with a smile

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The guys quickly put on medallions on their necks.
"God, this is amazing!" - shouted Marcel.
"Oh yeah. Take a look at that." - said Brian, looking at his medallion.
I Immediately felt a deep kiss on my lips. Luke was kissing me.
"Why did you try so hard to buy gifts for us? They probably stood a ton of money!"-he said.
"Well, i wouldn't say that, Luke. They were not expensive, but they do not look too valuable." - i said.
"By the way, we also have a gift for you!" - said Ryan.
"Really? What is this?" - i asked impatiently.
"Close your eyes, Evan!" - said Brock, taking my hand.
"And don't open until we say!" - Tyler said, taking my other hand.
I obediently closed my eyes, and they led me somethere. Then, we stopped.
"Guys? Have we come somethere? Can i open my eyes?" - i asked.
"Be patient, Evy! Almost done!" - said Brock.
Suddenly, they put something on my head. Oh god, what is it? My hands were released.
"Now Evan, open your eyes." - said Tyler.
I opened my eyes and saw...

I opened my eyes and saw

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"Guys, this is..." - i could not finish, because i did not know what was on my head.
"Beautiful, is not it?" - asked David.
I still could not say anything. Out of embarrassment, i covered my face with my hands. I felt someone's arms wrapped around my waist.
"Well, what are you, Evan? Don't you like it?" - Jonathan said sadly in my ear.
"No, no! Just...i don't know how to say it!" - i said, revealing my face.
They kissed me on the cheeks.
"Well then. And thanks again for the medallions. Beautiful gifts!" - said Jonathan, kissing my face again.

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