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We finally got there and Mark had a huge smile plastered on his face as the ducks quickly walked up to him. He said hello to all of them, and told Ten all of their names. We all sat down and Mark gave each duck a pat or two on their head before getting out the bread.

Ten seemed amazed that the ducks just came right up to Mark. He closely watched Mark carefully feed his feathered friends, then saw some pigeons so he took out the bird seed to feed them.

Me and Mark have been coming to this park to feed the ducks and other birds for about a year now, so it comes as no surprise to me that the ducks trust him and I so much, they know who we are. 

One duck came up to me and rubbed his head on my leg. He was a sweet little mallard, the runt of all the ducks, and he was my boy. I call him Wooseok and he seems to like the name. I pet his head, then carefully picked him up and placed him gently onto my lap, and stroked him from his head down to his back.

He was rubbing his face into my chest and doing happy little quacks, which warmed my heart. Ten noticed this and looked at me curiously.

“Aren’t these ducks a little wild? Why does that one like you so much?” He asked.

“Oh we have been feeding these ducks for over a year, they know who we are and trust us. This duck is kinda like my duck, and I call him Wooseok. He is the only one I feed out of all of them, since I have a soft spot for runts of groups, so he always comes to me.”

“Yeah, and the rest are all my babies, since I don’t care about size or which one I like more, they are all equal to me,” Mark paused and pet Wooseok on the head, “Though Wooseok is definitely the most friendly, and is the only one who will let you put them on your lap… I’ve been trying to convince Eunbi to just let us keep him, but she is a goody two shoes and doesn’t want to be ‘stealing’ the park ducks or breaking the no pets rule in the dorms.” Mark gave me a playful sour look as he finished.

“Hey! Do you know how much ducks poop? And how much Wooseok would keep you up all night with his quacking if I did happen to steal him from the park? And what would my roomie think?”

“I know, I know. I’m only kidding, you’re right. We can’t keep him… But it would be nice!” 

Ten laughed at us bickering and leaned over to also give Wooseok a little head scratch. He peeped happily and closed his eyes to enjoy the attention he was getting.

Finally I put him down and fed him a piece of bread. He ate it all up and looked at me with a face that almost looked like he was smiling. I gave him one last pet and he ran off to the water.

Mark and Ten used the rest of the bread to feed the other ducks, and Ten gave the pigeons one last handful of bird seed before we all agreed that we were ready to leave.

We gathered our things and headed out, though I guess Mark’s sweet tooth was tingling because before we managed to even make it out of the gates, he asked to go to the ice cream shop.

Ten liked the idea and I didn’t mind going myself either, so we decided to take a quick stop there before we wrapped up our day.

We walked in and the smell of fresh dairy filled my nose as the brightly colored room hit my eyes. We all got a bright colored bubbly cup and looked around to find a flavor we wanted.

Ten got a green tea flavor, Mark got cookies and cream, and I got cookie dough with extra cookie dough toppings. We all paid for our cups of ice cream and took a seat.

Mark handed us some spoons he got for us and we all dug into the sweet savory ice cream. We had some small talk here in there, mostly about what school projects we had coming up.

Mark told me about their group project they have going on in dance class, he said that the dance teacher wanted them to choose a partner and work on a slow piece together. I was excited to see what he and hopefully Ten came up with together. I already knew they were going to do amazing.

Then some guy walked in, he seemed to be in a hurry. He was really tall and had dark brown hair, and was very fashionable. I’m pretty sure I had seen him around the campus before, probably a kid in Mark’s dance class, but I have never talked to him. He was quite handsome to say the least.

He ordered a classic vanilla cone, paid, took a lick, then dashed off.

“Wonder why that guy was in such a big hurry…” Ten mumbled as he took a huge bite of his ice cream, “AH AH! BRAIN FREEZE!” He shouted not long after, as he gripped his head and closed his eyes tightly.

“Maybe he had something important to do, like go hide the body of the person he just killed!” Mark exclaimed, trying to creep us out.

“Yeah Mark, cause he totally went out to order an ice cream before hiding a dead body.” I rolled my eyes then flicked a tiny scoop of ice cream at him.

“Hey!” He jumped back to avoid the ice cream flying towards him, “It’s a possibility… Did you know you walk past 31 murderers in your lifetime? That could have been number five that just walked out the door.”

“Yeah, totally.” I grinned as I took a bite of my ice cream.

“Well let’s call this mysterious murderer ‘The Sweet Creamy Killer’ just in case we see him on the news for murder.” Ten joked and we laughed and all agreed.

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