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I woke up and as usual, Sohee was gone. On the other hand, Mark and Ten were sitting on Sohee’s bed both eating a bowl of cereal and watching Tv. Mark had milk dripping down his chin as he looked over at me and waved.

“Goodmorning Eunbi! We made you a bowl of cereal for when you woke up, but it kinda got soggy…”

I groaned and sat up in my bed, looking over to my nightstand to see cereal that had almost completely dissolved into the milk it was so soggy.

“Well, at least you guys tried being nice…” I mumbled as I got up and cleaned the bowl out.

I sat back down on my bed and rubbed my eyes, “Alright well… What movies do you guys want to watch first, we have all day.” I said as I looked at my alarm clock, which read ‘8:00 AM’ in bright red numbers.

“Ten picked out the first movie for us to watch, since it is his first time joining us on our movie days.” Mark replied.

“What did he pick out?”

“I picked out ‘I Saw the Devil’, It released this year, actually.” Ten chirped happily, showing me the case of the movie.

“It looks really good actually. 2010 must be the year for great things.” I smiled at him, taking the case and opening it. I put the dvd into my dvd player and Mark turned the Tv on and pressed play.

I found a bag of popcorn in the cabinet and a big bowl and started popping it. A minute later it was done and I plopped down onto Sohee’s bed with Mark and Ten.

Mark grabbed a big handful of the buttery popcorn and crammed it into his mouth while skipping all the ads before the movie. Ten grabbed a few pieces as well and popped it into his mouth. I was the last one to grab some popcorn and eat it as the movie finally started up.

I leaned back onto the headboard and relaxed, and soon Ten and Mark joined me as we all stared mindlessly at the Tv screen.

We all talked a small bit throughout the movie, but overall we were pretty quiet, which isn’t usual for me and Mark to do unless a movie really captures our attention.

Finally the credits played and I rubbed my tired eyes then looked at Ten, “That was actually a really good movie. You should bring it over another time and we can watch it again.”

Ten smiled and nodded as Mark got up to retrieve the disk to put it back in its rightful case. 

He turned and looked at the both of us, “Do you want to watch another movie or do you guys want to play games now?” He asked.

Me and Ten looked at each other and shrugged, “Whatever you want to do Mark.” I said as I looked back at him.

“Okay good cause I actually brought monopoly.” He rambled as he pulled the board game out of literally nowhere.

“Where did that even come from? I didn’t even see it…” Ten mumbled

“It came out of thin air.” Mark wiggled his fingers and gave a silly look, and me and Ten laughed.

He cleared the floor up and placed the box down, pulling each item down one by one and set the box up. Me and Ten got up from the bed and got down onto the floor to choose our pieces. I was the dog, Mark was the garbage can looking thing, and Ten was the cat.

Mark gave us our starting things and we started playing. I rolled first and got to go ahead six places. I stepped forward as the other boys rolled away their turn. I bought a property and continued on my way. Though along my way Ten landed on my property and I charged him.

An hour later and I was winning the game, I had almost every property and I was rolling in money. On the other hand Ten had no money and Mark was in jail.

I looked at the both of them with a sly grin, “Well fellas, I think it’s safe to say I’ve won the game. Which means you two losseeeee!” I rubbed it in their face with a small giggle.

“You wouldn’t have won if I had bought 5th avenue.” Mark grumbled.

“You’re just a sore loser, Mark.” I picked back.

“You guys both suck, I'm the real winner here.” Ten joined in.

“How so?” Mark said with a sour look.

Ten smiled and looked at the both of us, “Cause I had fun and I’m glad to be here with you guys.”

I lightly shoved Ten back onto the floor by his shoulder, “Ohhhhh! Ten don’t be cheesy!”

Ten giggled as he sat back up, “It’s true though.”

After that, we packed up the game and Mark put in some anime for us to watch. Something called Ponyo. We all curled back up onto the bed and snuggled under the blankets with a new bowl of popcorn to munch on.

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