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August 2

Seungmin -

I swear you're the smartest person alive. You can read my mind, I'm convinced. Either that or you've found my letters. Whatever it is, you dragged me into an empty classroom today and demanded that we talk. I asked what you wanted to talk about, and you told me not to act stupid.

Of course I knew what it was about, but I had expected it to be a, "You're awful and I hope I never see your face again" kind of conversation. Instead, you got all quiet and you wouldn't look at me. You were really quiet, but I still remember what you said word for word.

"It's been more than three weeks," you said, "And it's killing me. I have to know... why did you kiss me?" That was the first time you looked at me.

I freaked out and accidentally admitted that it's because I really like you.

You smiled and said, "You kissed me because you like me?" Then you looked at the floor and whispered, "Do you like me enough to do it again?"

Obviously I like you enough. So I did it. I'm glad I did, because seeing you smile after made me so happy words can't explain it.
Sincerely, Hyunjin

published nov 15
happy birthday kim hyunjin

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