Chapter 5

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Sonic P.O.V

I woke up at the sound of my phone going off and pulled myself out of bed to get ready for school. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, packed my backpack and put on my favourite red and white jacket, before heading downstairs holding my backpack to make myself some breakfast. Unlike the past three mornings I felt more refreshed as I poured some cereal into a bowl along with some milk. I mean the memory of Shadow rejecting me or the feelings of it were still there, but it no longer felt like it was my major concern anymore even though I still love him. It seems like Mighty's advice did help a little after all.

After I finished my breakfast, I washed the bowl and spoon in the sink before heading into Tails' room and gently shaking him to wake him up.

"Psst! Tails wake up!" I whispered into his ear.

He grumbled sleepily before waking up yawning loudly.

"Sonic? Why are you up so early? School only starts at..." He peeked over to his alarm clock. "In one hour."

I could help but rub the back of my head with a slightly guilty expression. "Sorry little bro. I just wanted to know if I could head over to school by myself early today. There's some leftover homework I forgot to do, and I need to hand it in now."

He sleepily brushed off my excuse, yawning, "Sure Sonic you go ahead. I'm going back to sleep." He started softly snoring again after saying that.

"Thanks, little bro." I said before dashing out of the house after locking the door.

I got to the front of the school in five minutes flat. Since it was still very early, there weren't many students yet except for most of the teachers whom I greeted with a good morning as I made my way into the gym, knowing Mighty would be here thanks to our little text chat last night. I went into what I called the "Work Out" room, and saw Mighty bench-pressing a very heavy looking barbell, wearing the school's sleeveless P.E uniform.

"Hey Mighty! Good morning!" I greeted loudly, accidentally startling him.

Mighty P.O.V

I nearly dropped the barbell on me from being startled by Sonic, because I was so into my morning workout routine. Despite the unexpected startle, I greeted back: "Morning, Sonic. You almost scared me to death."

He looked rather sheepish. "Heh. Sorry about that. There's something I actually wanted to show you." He began taking something out of his backpack, "Mind if taking a look at it?"

I placed the barbell down and got off the bench, making my way to him after wiping the sweat of my face with a towel. "Sure, I could use a break after weight-lifting for nearly thirty minutes."

We both sat down on the floor as Sonic opened a medium sized brown coloured book to a random page showing a sketch of Tails and Knuckles. I was amazed at how realistic and well-drawn it was.

"Wow, did you draw this?" I asked.

Sonic looked a little bashful. "Yeah it's a small hobby of mine I picked up after you left. Do you like it."

"Do I like it? It's amazing! You have to show me the other drawings in your sketchbook!"

He smiled at my enthusiasm before turning to another page, showing a sketch of Tails holding a certificate. "This is one of my little bro, winning an award during his freshman year." He turned to one of Vector and Espio standing under a tree. "This one, is my interpretation of Vector confessing to Espio."

I examined the drawing of Vector and Espio, a little longer. It was a bit cheesy like what I've watched in those cheap soap operas, but nether less;  was still well-drawn and cute. Sonic then went on and on showing me his other drawings and me, always complementing them. 

After several more. He turned to another page which stand out a lot more than the others. It was a very crudely drawing of a hedgehog wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses on his head, with quills styled identical to that of Sonic's. From how Sonic drew him; it looked as if the subject of the rather mocking doodle, looked extremely smelly and had very poor dental hygiene.

"W-who is that?" I asked, trying to fight down the urge to laugh.

Sonic also looked like he was trying his best not to die of laughter, "That's S-Scourge. He's also a rival of mine who's also a member of Shadow's gang. He smokes and takes crack practically twenty-four seven." His cheeks puffed up in his poor attempt not to laugh.

I started taking in as much deep breaths as possible to prevent myself from laughing, "P-Please tell me, he actually looks like that."

He also started doing the same action as me, "Considering how he constantly smokes all the time. I'd say this is pretty accurate."

We both could no longer hold it in. The two of us fell into a large fit of hysteric laughter with tears pouring out of our eyes. After eventually calming down to snickers, we continued looking through his sketchbook. After going through a couple more drawings and Sonic describing each one, I noticed a sketch of someone that I've never met before. It was a white female bat who wore lots makeup, laying on her side with her head resting on her elbow and hand giving the viewer a rather seductive gaze.

"Who's this?" I asked, pointing a finger at the sketch.

Sonic turned the sketchbook around to have a better view. "Oh! That's Rouge. She also a member of Shadow's gang and is his best friend. But she's also friends with the group too and comes hang with us often and she has an eye for Knuckles believe it or not. (I looked rather surprised at hearing that.) She asked me to draw a sketch of her, after I also showed her some of mine."

I suddenly had an idea lit up in my head. I got up from my seat on the floor, much to Sonic's confusion, got on the bench and struck the same pose as Rouge. But instead of a seductive look, I made a very stupid grin.

"Sketch me like on of your Rouges."

He blinked at me before bursting into laughter again. I also started snickering at the crazy and silly idea I had, before he calmed down. "Well we still have a lot of time left before school starts." He said, looking at the clock on the wall which read: 7:35am, before taking some drawing supplies from his backpack. "Yeah, I can do this, now hold still. I need to capture your essence." He then started to draw me.  


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