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Studio one

after rehearsals, Ozzy and Kingston raced back to studio one. As they expected, Heath was there. But he was with Winnie, and they both looked quite angry. Heathcliff was getting up to leave, and then he saw them and started walking faster. Before he could get to the door Ozzy filled the gap. "Heathcliff, we need to talk to you" He told him. Heath pushed past Ozzy but as he was walking by Kingston, he grabbed his upper arm. "It's important, come on." Kingston told him sternly. After staring at each other for a few seconds, Heath sighed and turned back around into the studio. Winnie had stood up by now. "Do you want me to leave?" she asked calmly. Ozzy shook his head, "You don't have to, if you don't want" he told her. She looked back at Heathcliff who was looking at his toes. "I think i will, actually" She said, remembering why she was angry in the first place. She got up and left, almost storming out the room. Ozzy looked round his shoulder worried. He wanted to make sure she was alright but he had to do this for the both of them first.
"So, Heath." Ozzy started. "You must know about me and Winnie by now." He said, walking around so he was on the other side of Heath. "Mhm, and what about it?" Heath asked, crossing his arms. "A little jealous maybe?" Kingston asked, taking over. "Jealous? I'm mad you think you can get away with this!" Heath spat out. Ozzy stopped pacing up and down and looked at him confused. "Get away with what?" Kingston asked, reading Ozzy's thoughts. "I know what your doing, Oswald. Your using Winnie to get to me!" Heath said, pure anger in his voice. Ozzy looked even more puzzled. "you really think i would stoop that low? I actually really like Winnie." He told him. Heathcliff scoffed.
"So," Kingston started, looking down at his notepad and tapping it, "Heathcliff. Am i saying that right?" Kingston asked. Heath rolled his eyes "you know my name, just get it over with" He said. "Uh, we make the orders here" Ozzy said waving his hand between him and Kingston. "Anyways, Heathcliff, Heath, it's come to our attention you like sending anonymous messages." Kingston said. Heath screwed up his face. "And who told you this?" He asked. "That identity is remaining unknown for now." Ozzy said, stepping in. "It's just you two isn't it?" Heath asked with his eyebrow raised."Look, whatever you two think i did, i didn't. I'm going now" He said, turning around and leaving the room. Ozzy thought about calling after him but was disrupted by another vibration in his pocket.

your 2nd attempt failed too?
now i have something(s) that are important to you.

Ozzy's first thought was that they had got to Winnie, but before he could run to the door he heard his phone ring. It was his mum calling. "Ozzy, you have to come home right now." She said, her tone panicked.
"It's Izzy."

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