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"Izzy? IZZY! Oh my sweet sweet child!" Ozzy's mum cried as Ozzy and Izzy walked through the front door of their house. She ran and wrapped Izzy in her arms tightly, sobbing.
"Where have you been? What did they do to you?" Their worried mum asked, pulling away from her and cupping her cheeks. "I'm fine mum, i'm fine" Izzy told her. Their mum sighed before hugging Izzy again. "Come to the kitchen and i'll get you something to eat, and i need to call the police, tell them your safe and sound," She told Izzy, going into the the kitchen. Izzy nodded and then waited until she had gone into the kitchen before turning to Ozzy and hugging him tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" She told him in to his chest. He returned the hug, resting his chin on her head. "I'm glad your home," he told her. She pulled away and smiled at him before going into the kitchen. Ozzy sighed and ran his head through his hair. Half way up the stairs he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out hoping it was Winnie, as he really needed someone to talk to after that night. but froze when he saw it was an unknown number.

you found your sister i see, but this isn't done. believe me.

Ozzy ran into his room and shut the door before calling Kingston. "They're back," He told him as soon as he picked up. "What do you mean their back?" Kingston asked. "I got another text, they're back," Ozzy explained. Kingston sighed. "Don't worry Ozzy, we'll sort it out at rehearsals tomorrow," Ozzy sighed back and agreed with him before hanging up and flopping back onto his bed.
the next morning, Ozzy got up and got ready for rehearsals. He waited for Kingston to get here before starting to walk to the studio with him. "It has to be summer!" Ozzy told kingston as they were walking. "Who else could it be? I've run out of suspects,"
"Well, i mean, it could be anyone," Kingston shrugged. "How can we tell anymore? They've not given us any clues to who they are or anything"
Ozzy shrugged back. "I guess your right, it could be anyone. I'm just worried, they could do anything," He replied.
Soon they had reached studio A and put their bags in cubbies to go and stretch. Ozzy tapped Kingston and looked over at Summer stretching in a corner by herself. They made their way over to her.
"Go.Away." Summer told them as soon as they were in front of her.
"Summer, we just want to talk to you-" Ozzy started. "Yeah? Well i don't want to talk to you," She replied. Ozzy sighed. "Where were you going yesterday when we saw you?" Kingston asked. "That's not really your business," She told him. "But we really need to kn-"
"You really want to know that bad?" She whispered angrily. "I was fed up. Fed up of that house full of screaming babies and screaming care workers telling me to help 24/7. I couldn't take it anymore so i went out to clear my head. Happy now?" She told them, turning and going back to stretching. Ozzy and Kingston looked at each other before turning and leaving Summer alone.
After rehearsals, everyone had already left Studio A and it was just Ozzy and Kingston. "It can't be Summer either," Ozzy said. "I actually just feel bad for interfering with her personal life now,"
Kingston nodded. "Stay here, i'll get us some drinks and then we can talk it over," He told him before walking out of the room. Just as Kingston had walked out, Ozzy felt a vibration in his pocket.

break up with her. Or i'll break her.

Ozzy quickly looked up ready to call for Kingston but he was already gone. Ozzy sighed and wiped his hand through his hair. They were making him either break up with Winnie or they would come for her. He couldn't let anything happen to her. He loved her.
Before he could think it through twice, he heard light footsteps skipping through the doors and looked up to see Winnie. "Hey Ozzy!" She said, going and hugging him. He barely returned the hug, pulled away and sat down. Winnie sat down next to him, still smiling. She noticed something was wrong when he just sat there with his head in his hands not talking. "What's wrong, Oz?" She asked worriedly. He shook his head and looked up sighing. "I think we need to talk Winnie," He told her. "Talk? What about?" She asked, even more worriedly. Ozzy paused for a long time before looking down at his feet. "I think we need to break up," He said. Her face quickly dropped and she was confused. "w-why?" she stuttered. "I can't explain it. We just do Winnie," he told her, standing up to leave. "but-" She started, but he had already walked out. She was close to tears now. Had she done something wrong? What happened? She got up with her bag and left the studio, holding back her tears.
When Ozzy got to shakes and ladders, Kingston wasn't there. He took out his phone to text him.

O ; I'm in shakes and ladders, where r u?
K; Had to go home, family emergency.

Ozzy let it go and got himself a drink before going home.
As he sat on his bed and put his phone beside him, he saw it light up. He took it and saw it was an unknown number.

You want this all to be over right? Come to this address, around midnight.

an attachment to the text was an address. Ozzy went straight to google maps, and it was the same place as where they found Izzy. He went straight back onto the text and this time was brave enough to reply.

O; Why isn't it already over? I broke up with her like you asked.

Unknown; Well, you want to know who i am, don't you?

Ozzy held his breath. Meet the person that has been doing this to him? What if it was one of his suspects and he had let them slip out of his hand. Ozzy screenshotted the message and sent it to kingston. "I'll be there," Kingston replied.
It was quarter to midnight. Ozzy had snuck out of his house and was now outside the building waiting for Kingston. Soon he couldn't hold it in any longer and he decided to go in. It was risky because anything could happen and Kingston wouldn't have been there but Ozzy really just wanted this all to be done with. He was hurt enough after having to break up with the person he loved.
He opened the door and slowly walked through the corridors. he observed the rooms more closely this time. They were dance rooms? He was in the back part of a dance studio? Ozzy continued to walk down the corridors till he got to the dark room that he found his sister in the last time. He sighed and shook his body to prepare for what was about to come. And then he opened the door.
"Ah, hello Ozzy! I'm glad you could make it," The voice told him. Ozzy's mouth dropped and his eyes widened.
"It- it was you?" He stuttered.
"Yes, it was," Lily replied.

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