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"Your my best friend! How could you do something like this?" Ozzy asked, upset and angry at the same time. "That's why i did it!" Kingston responded. "If you were with Winnie, you would never talk to me. We would hardly even see each other!" Kingston continued, half raising his voice. "You know that's not true, i literally just spent everyday for a whole week with you!" Ozzy replied. "But, you did it for Winnie," Kingston said, lowering his tone. Ozzy had nothing to say to that.
"Kingston!" Lily hissed, as if he was forgetting to say something. Kingston looked at her sharply and shook his head. Lily ignored his look and turned to Ozzy.
"Me and Kingston have one thing in common, if anything. We both like you- love you, Ozzy." Lily continued. Kingston had his head hanging down again and Ozzy just continued to look confused. "love me?" He asked, directed at Kingston mostly. Kingston didn't look up.
"But he knew that you would never love him back, so he felt that this was his only option," Lily told Ozzy. He continued to watch Kingston. "Now won't you sit down and let me finish my story?" Lily asked, patting Ozzy's chair and making him sit down again.


The next day, Ozzy and Lily were very awkward around each other. Luckily they just had to perform their duet first thing and then it was over with.
After everyone had performed their dances, we all gathered in the middle to hear who got the duet.
"I've decided to give the duet to.. Lily and Ozzy!" Miss Angela said, making everyone groan. No one was surprised. "Lily as usual, your technique was brilliant, loved the smile. But also Ozzy, i can tell you two have lots of chemistry and really enjoyed that. Good job!". Ozzy and Lily both avoided eye contact and looked down after hearing miss Angela say they had chemistry. Miss Angela then clapped twice to tell everyone to take a break. Before Lily could say anything to him, Kingston had already come beside Ozzy and asked if he wanted to go down to shakes and ladders. Ozzy accepted his offer and they went downstairs.
Once they had got their drinks they went to sit down at a table. "So.. you and Lily hmm?" Kingston asked, looking down and playing with the straw in his smoothie. Ozzy whipped his head up to look at Kingston. "Me and Lily? W-what do you mean?" he asked, afraid to get caught out.
"I saw you two yesterday Ozzy, i saw it all," Kingston told Ozzy, looking up at him as well now. Ozzy sighed and looked down at the table.
"I like her, i do, but i can't go out with her can i? I mean, she's miss Angela's daughter. I can't be with Miss Angela's daughter!" Ozzy told Kingston. Lily, standing at the counter behind them had overheard the last part of their conversation. She couldn't believe that her mum was getting in the way of her relationships again. And she couldn't believe the only person she had ever like like this would let her mum come in between them. She got her juice and stormed out.
Later that day, Ozzy was back in shakes and ladders drinking his juice by himself. Lily walked in behind him, her head held high. She came and sat next to him, startling him. "Oh, hey," He greeted her smiling. She didn't return the smile. "We need to talk, about what happened yesterday," She said sternly. Ozzy nodded and turned to face her. Lily sighed before speaking. "I don't think it should go any further, That was it for us," She told him. His smile slowly faded. He knew he wanted the same thing but it felt bad hearing it from Lily. "Oh.. Ok," He replied, looking upset. Lily frowned at him. She knew he was just putting on a act to make it look like he was sad. "Goodbye, Ozzy," She said, getting up and leaving. She would never let Ozzy get the better of her, so she cut it off before he could. And when her and her mum got kicked out of the studio, it made it better so she wouldn't have to see him everyday. She knew, though, that she would never be able to help the way she felt about him or the way he made her feel.

Ozzy sat in the chair, trying to process everything that he had been told. He never thought of Lily as a suspect because he thought it was her that didn't like him, and that wanted to cut it off after the kiss. And Kingston? His best friend? Helping to plot her revenge? He couldn't believe it. He paused and stuttered before turning to Kingston. "I can't believe you," Ozzy hissed, standing up to face Kingston. "All of this? For what? You could have just talked to me! I would have understood! You even went as low as to kidnap my sister" Ozzy shouted. Kingston immediately looked up with his hands in the air. "No, wait, i swear i didn't know she was going to do that to your sister! When i found out i begged her to let Izzy go!" Kingston told Ozzy. Ozzy froze for a second and saw the sorry in Kingston's eyes. Ozzy just shook his head, "I still can't believe you,"
"I'm sor-" Ozzy put his hand up and cut him off. "Save it." He turned and looked down at Lily who was still sitting down on the chair. "And you, your disgusting. You made my week a living hell," He spat out. Lily just looked up and smiled at him. "I can't believe i ever thought of liking you," he continued. Lily stood up and stood right in front of him, yet he stood his ground. She gently rubbed her hand across his cheek. "you'll learn to love me," She whispered. "No, no i won't," He replied, stepping back from her. She smiled again and shook her head as if she pitied him. Ozzy looked around himself. "Where even are we?" He asked.
"Where do you think? Encore, of course!" Lily replied. She took out a bunch if keys from her pocket. "Since my mum owns this place now, it wasn't hard to have somewhere as my secret lair,"
"Encore... Zack goes here right? The one that took my sister? That's why he did it. For you." Ozzy said, piecing everything together.
Lily giggled, "Let's just say Zack owed me a few favours,"
Ozzy was silent for a while before something clicked in his mind. "I can't be here anymore," He said, pushing past Kingston. "Let him go," he heard Lily say as he was walking out of the room and down the corridors. It had gotten even colder, and so he got out his phone and asked Noah to pick him up. Noah didn't take long and soon Ozzy had gotten into his car.
"Why were you at this place again anyways?" Noah asked, looking over at him before starting the car. "I don't want to talk about it," Ozzy said, leaning back in the passengers seat and wrapping his arms around himself.
It had been almost a week since Ozzy found out it was Lily that had been torturing him. Him and Kingston hadn't spoken at all, just gave each other small looks. And every time Ozzy saw Winnie, she would turn and run the other way. Everything was a mess. On the bright side, Zack had been taken to court and there was a high chance he'd be found guilty of kidnapping. He had also been found guilty of multiple accounts of theft and other crimes, which is probably what Lily meant by the favours he owed her.

Ozzy was walking out of studio A after rehearsals. He was the second last person, after Kingston who was getting his stuff ready. Suddenly, Ozzy heard his name called from behind him. He spun around for a split second and then continued walking when he realised it was just Kingston. Kingston ran to catch up with Ozzy and put his hand on his shoulder. Ozzy immediately brushed his hand off and turned around. "What?" He almost shouted. Kingston looked taken aback at first but then just sighed. "Ozzy, you have to believe me when i say i'm sorry-"
"And you have to believe me when i say i don't care" Ozzy cut him off, turning around to continue walking.
"I do love you," Kingston called out, making Ozzy stop and turn around again. "Like Lily said, i do, but also like she said i know you'll never love me back like that, so i'll let it go. And i see now that going behind your back wasn't the way to go about it at all. Your my best friend, Ozzy, and i don't want anything to change that at all," Kingston continued, apologetically. Ozzy was lost for words. Kingston was his best friend too, and he could see that he was truly sorry. Ozzy sighed and looked down for a while before going to Kingston and hugging him tightly. "I forgive you," Ozzy told him, pulling away.
"Thank god, because Henry definitely isn't good at legions of lasers" Kingston joked, making Ozzy smile. "Oh and, before i forget," Kingston said pulling out two tickets from his pocket. "I was hoping you would forgive me so i could give you these," He said, handing the tickets to Ozzy. "I know i was partly the reason you and Winnie broke up, so as an apology gift you can give these to her when you go and ask her out again. right now." Kingston told him. They were tickets for both Ozzy and Winnie's favourite band. Ozzy shook his head, handing the tickets back, "She won't even be in the same room as me, how am i meant to ask her out?" He asked. Kingston pushed the tickets back into his hand. "She's in studio one right now. Go!" He told him, pushing him in the opposite direction. Ozzy looked back before slowly approaching studio one.
Once he got there he saw the last half of Winnie's solo. He could tell she was doing it to let out her feelings. He leant against the doorframe until she was finished and then slowly approached her. She turned and noticed him walking towards her. "S-sorry, you can use the space, i-i was just leaving," She stuttered, rushing to get her stuff. "Winnie," He said, putting his hand on her arm to stop her. She tensed up when he touched her but let him. He sighed before talking. "I'm sorry," He told her. Her whole body softened and she looked like she was about to cry. He couldn't tell if she was happy or sad tho. "I love you, i've always loved you, and i'm sorry i hurt you. I never meant to. I can't explain it all now but breaking up with you was a mistake and i was hoping you'd maybe want to go and see.." He pulled out the tickets Kingston had given him from behind his back. Winnie's eyes widened, and she was trying to fight back a smile. "I know it will never make up for everything i've done but-" She cut him off by jumping into his arms and burying her face into his shoulder. "I love you too, Ozzy," She told him, softly sobbing into his t-shirt. He returned the hug and held her tightly, and he never wanted to let go.

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