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"Since team bonding is a very important thing to learn," Started Emily as her and Michelle were in the centre of studio A surrounded by the whole of A-troupe, "Today i'm going to be putting you in 'unusual' pairs, and you will have the day to learn about each other. You will then take a quiz about each other and hopefully find a new found friendship with one another".
Everyone looked around, excitedly. "The pairings will be:
Richelle and Henry
Kingston and piper
kenzie and Noah
Finn and Davis
Jacquie and amy
Summer and Ozzy"
Michelle announced. Everyone separated into their pairs. "Good luck guys!" Michelle told them before her and Emily went into their office. "Hey Ozzy, do you want to go to Shakes and ladders?" Summer asked. Ozzy smiled and nodded at her. They walked down to shakes and ladders together, and sat down at the table in the middle. "What juice do you want?" Ozzy asked as he got up again ready to go to the counter, "err, i don't mind," Summer replied. He ordered two strawberry juices and then came and sat back down next to Summer.
"So, um, where are you from?" Summer asked nervously. Ozzy sipped on his juices before answering. "I was born here, but my family's heritage is Italian" He told her. She smiled and nodded. Ozzy looked over at her, "What about you? Where are your parents from?" Ozzy asked. She looked down at the table and played with her fingers, "Um, I, they-" She stuttered, before slamming the table and running out of the shop. Ozzy called out after her confused, before taking his drink and running after her.
He found her in Studio one by herself, sitting on the floor and cuddling her knees to her chest while rocking up and down, mumbling something to herself. "Summer?" Ozzy asked, confused, "Are you alright? What happened?" He asked while sitting down next to her. She stopped mumbling and then sighed and looked at Ozzy. Her face was red and near to tears. "Ozzy you can keep secrets can't you?" She whispered. He nodded slowly, still confused.
"About my parents, i don't have any," She told him. He wrapped his arm around summer. "I'm so sorry, Summer. Are they, are they d-"
"No." Summer said, cutting him off. "but i wish they were. And now that i think about it, they're not my parents. Not even the care workers at the foster home are like my parents. So therefore, i don't have any parents." she told him, getting worked up. Tears were soon streaming down her face silently. Ozzy just sat there and hugged her for a while until she wiped her tears and calmed down.
"What i meant is.. They abused me, as a child. I got taken away from them and put into a home. All i had was dance for years. I had no friends, no family." She told him, while leaning against his chest. He rubbed her back a bit. "You have TNS now, you have A-troupe, you have me," He told her, squeezing her. She smiled up at him. "Thank you Ozzy, i really needed to get that out of my system," Ozzy smiled back at her. "No problem," he replied. He pulled out her drink from beside him and gave it to her. She sat up and drank some. "Ok, you know too much about me now, and it'll be a bit strange if you ace this quiz and i fail miserably," She joked, laughing a bit. Ozzy chuckled too before turning to her so they could continue their conversation. "Well i know it must not compare, but i lost my grandma a few years ago," He told her, looking down. "Aww ozzy, i'm so sorry," Summer told him. Ozzy nodded, "She gave me this gold ring," he said, taking it out of his pocket. "I try not to take it everywhere but sometimes i just feel like i need her with me, you know?" Summer nodded. "I always keep it in my bottom draw at the back," He told her. Summer smiled at him, "It's so pretty,"
Everyone was in studio A now doing their quizzes on their partners. After everyone had finished, Emily and Michelle collected them in and went into their office to check them. A-troupe all sat together near the benches to talk about their quizzes.
"Davis' quiz was super easy! I feel like i know her like the back of my hand!" Finn said excitedly.
"Yes Finn, maybe that's because you have literally everything she told you today on the back of your hand" Amy told him, pointing at his hand. All of A-troupe started laughing as he quickly hid his hand behind his back.
"Oh, and Amy, i forgot what you said your parents names were so i put that you were an orphan." Jacquie joked, making everyone laugh again except Ozzy and Summer. Ozzy looked over at Summer who was looking down at her hands, mumbling again. "Actually," Ozzy said, stopping everyone from laughing. "I don't think being an Orphan is something to be made fun of," He told them. Summer looked up at him and smiled. "Like summer for example. Your basically disrespecting her whole life!" Ozzy continued. Summers smile quickly turned into a frown, and Ozzy's face dropped when he realised what he had just done. "Summer... your an orphan?" Jacquie asked, shocked. "I-, i-" she started stuttering before quickly getting up. "You said you wouldn't tell!" She shouted, running out of the room. Ozzy got up to go after her when Finn put his hand on his arm. "Don't go, let her have her space," he told him. Ozzy hesitated before nodding and sitting down again.
Summer had ran into studio one again and curled up into a ball. She couldn't believe she was stupid enough to trust Ozzy. She could never forget what he had done to her.

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