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"Wait. So you and Jacquie went out?" Noah asked surprised, while driving his car. "Yeah,but that's another story, he made a right over there," Ozzy told him, pointing around the corner so Noah could turn. Right now Kingston and Ozzy had convinced Noah to follow Zac around. If he did have Izzy, they wanted to take the chance. Not long later they pulled up to a tall building. Zac had just walked into the door as Noah pulled up onto the side of the street. They all immediately got out. Ozzy instantly started to go for the door when Noah pressed his hand down on his shoulder. "Ozzy, don't go in, you don't know what's in there," He told him. Kingston nodding beside him. "If it's my sister, then i don't care," he replied, brushing Noah's hand off and going straight to the door. Noah sighed and walked after him, as it was now his responsibility to make sure Ozzy didn't get hurt, seeing as he wasn't going to be convinced to not go in.
The door was faulty so it wasn't hard for Ozzy to force it open with a few tugs (and a bit of help from Noah). Once they were in, they immediately noticed it was almost pitch black. Kingston got out his phone and put the flash on, leading them all through the building, searching each room until they heard sounds coming from one of them and stopped. Ozzy listened closely and he could hear Zac talking to someone. The person he was talking to had a muffled voice, as if they had something around their mouth, but it was definitely a girls voice. "Izzy," Ozzy muttered before charging into the room. Noah realised moments later what Ozzy was doing and ran in after him, followed by Kingston. Izzy was in the dark room, sitting on a chair with her hands, legs and mouth tied up. Zac was nearby, sorting out something on the table. Ozzy had ran over to Izzy just as Zac had spun around to see the three of them in the room. As he was trying to untie his sister, Zac grabbed Ozzy pulling him off Izzy. Noah quickly ran to them and grabbed Zac so that he would let go of Ozzy, punching him in the face. The two muscular boys got into a fight while Ozzy went back to untying Izzy. "Kingston! Help me!" Ozzy shouted. Kingston cluelessly ran over to Izzy and started untying her legs from the chair. Soon she was free and Noah was on the floor with Zac, Winning the fight. After a few more punches Zac was too weak to fight Noah back and just laid on the floor, defeated. "Let's go!" Noah told them, as they all ran out of the building. It was quite dark outside but they all ran to the car successfully. Izzy sat in the front with Noah while Ozzy and Kingston sat in the back again. Noah immediately drove off.
The car ride to Ozzy's house was mostly silent. Everyone was exhausted after all that action. "I guess that's two problems solved," Noah said, sighing. Ozzy frowned, "two?" Noah nodded, "Yeah, you found Izzy, and now you know who was sending your texts"he told them, lowkey afraid that it actually was his girlfriend behind all of this"how can i be sure it was Jacquie though?" Ozzy asked. "Texts? What texts?" Izzy asked, confused. "Don't worry," Ozzy told her. Then something clicked in his mind. "My ring! He still has my ring!" Ozzy said, worried. Izzy turned around to face him. "Relax, i took it from the table while Noah was wrestling him," She said, pulling it out of her pocket and passing it Ozzy. "Also, thank you for that Noah," Izzy said, turning back to Noah and smiling. Noah turned and smiled back before going back to worrying. "What am i gonna tell Jacquie?Her brothers a kidnapper! I mean, if she doesn't already know that already," Noah said. "Exactly, and he deserves to be punished for it," Ozzy said, crossing his arms. "Her brothers going to go to jail, and she's gonna hate me, and she's gonna break up with me!" Noah complained. They had never seen him this stressed. "Bro it's alright! I'm sure Jacquie will understand," Kingston told him.
As ozzy was looking out the window, through Noah's side mirrors, he could see someone walking next to the car. "Wait Noah slow down," He told him. Noah slowed down the car as Ozzy peered behind out the window. It was hard to see but he could tell the person was summer. She only had on a t-shirt and jeans and she kept holding her arms as if she was freezing. She was also looking down and mumbling to herself. Ozzy rolled down the windows and looked back, "Summer! Are you ok?" Ozzy called out. She looked up, saw it was Ozzy, screwed her face and started to walk faster with her head down. "go away, Ozzy. You know i don't talk to you," She said, as she sped walked pst the car. "Summer you can't out walk a car" Noah called out from his own window. "Just get in and let us take you home"
"No! Not with him there!" She told Noah, looking disgustedly at Ozzy. "Summer your gonna freeze to death" Ozzy insisted. "Well, i hope i do," She replied, walking even faster.
"Summer i'm sorry-"
"Just leave me alone!" She shouted, running and turning into a narrow alleyway so they couldn't follow her anymore. Ozzy sighed and laid back in his seat. Kingston tapped his shoulder with the back of his hand. Ozzy didn't look at him, "I know what your thinking," he told kingston, "and you might just be right,"

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