Chapter 26~

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3rd POV

It was an amber alert, someone by the name of Teki had broke out of a nearby prison and everyone needed to be on high alert. The two shrugged it off and continued the long drive home. 

They had previously watched the sunset, at the top of a mountain in pretty much the middle of nowhere. So, they had to drive down a mountain. On arrival at the bottom, a huge bump shook the car.

 "What was that? Are you seriously that bad at driving?" Denki said with a smug look on his face. 

"I don't know what it was, it's dark. It was probably just a pothole or something." 

"Alright." Denki said.

After 25 minutes of driving in silence, Denki began to get the feeling he was being watched. He kept shrugging it off until it became too much to ignore. He turned around, moving his head and looking in every direction. When he looked out the back window, he could've sworn he saw someone sitting on the back of the car. He blinked and the figure was gone. He shuddered and turned back around.

"What was that love? Something bugging you?" Sero asked.

 "No I just thought I saw something... that's all. Hey where's that prison that the guy escaped from?" Kami asked with a little concern in his voice. 

It's about forty minutes south of here." Sero said.

 " like ten minutes away from where we watched the sunset..?" Kami asked as the color drained from his face. 

"Yeah that sounds about right. Why?"

 "Do you think the bump at the bottom of the mountain was really a pothole? It looked like a person sitting on the back of the car when I looked out the window." 

"Kami that's impossible, we're on the freeway. No one could sit on a car going this fast." 

"Yeah you're probably right..."

After another 20 minutes of driving, they re-entered the city. Once entering, there was yet another bump and the back of the car seemed to be higher off the ground than before. Denki looked out the rear view mirror and started shaking. On the side of a road, was a man with pink hair wearing all black. Just like how the alert had described him. Denki started shaking, trying not to scream.

 "Denks what's wrong?" 

"Y- you didn't see him?! On the side of the road?" 

"Kami I don't know what you're talking about... are you ok? Are you tired?"

 "No I'm not. I saw it. It was the guy from the alert. With the pink hair and black hoodie! Hanta he was on our car!"

Sero was silent. "Yeah I wasn't gonna say anything. I hoped you wouldn't notice him chillin' on our car. I didn't want to scare you." 

"Hanta he could have our license plate number! He could find out where we live!" 

"Yes I am aware. I've been thinking about it ever since we left. That's why I wasn't saying much. We'll just call the police and tell them what happened. Maybe they can hide our address before he finds it? If not they can provide protection right? We're gonna be ok Denki." 

"...ok Hanta."

When they arrived at their house, they ran inside to call the cops. The locked all the doors and windows before explaining what happened to Hanta's parents. The cops showed up and they explained what happened. The officers logged onto their computer and started masking all their private information so that they couldn't be traced. They sent deputies out to the spot where the outlaw had jumped off the car, but they found no one. It surely shook up the family, but there was nothing anyone could do. They just had to wait.

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