Chapter Thirteen

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I felt much calmer after Nerissa's visit. It reminded me of how normality is still possible even when things seem to be going at a hundred miles per hour, and my comforts are still there around me, being none the wiser as to what I know. My mind was feeling calmer, but it didn't seem that my body got the memo, as I could still feel the tension in my shoulders, creating an ache through my neck and down into my back. "A bath would solve this, scolding hot, to burn away the aches and pains." I decided aloud to myself, and walked into the bathroom to begin running the water. The heat from the water caused the room to fill with a warm mist, which made it feel like I was navigating myself through the clouds in the sky. I wiped the mist from the mirror and looked at my reflection, noticing how tired I looked. The past two days have really taken a toll on me, and unfortunately it is showing through my complexion and the dark circles under my eyes.

As I was about to undress, there was another knock at the door. "Really?" I hissed. I was lucky that it was Nerissa at the door previously, but now it could only be someone needing extra supplies for their room and reception don't know where to look. I turned the bath taps off and looked at the hot, steamy, bubbly water longingly. "Soon, I shall return to you, my love." I took one last look at the bath, like it was a heartbreaking farewell between two lovers, then turned to answer the door. I forced a smile on my face once again as I answered, expecting to see one of the reception team staring at me with a nervous expression for disturbing me at this time.

I did not expect to see Zachery standing there, gazing down at me with a sly smile on his face. "I never did ask you, how do you know which room is mine?" I quizzed him, folding my arms tightly around myself. "Good evening to you too, Kitten. I'm glad to see you are as happy to see me as I am you." His smile slowly began to grow whilst teasing me. "I have a bath waiting for me, and it will be going cold, so please forgive my bluntness. I do wish you to answer my question though." I sighed, realising how my short temper was amusing him further. "Well," he drew in a deep breath before continuing, "if you must know, I have my sources. Plus, it isn't hard to find information when the reception staff are easily distracted." He finished his sentence with a look which indicated he was waiting for my approval before carrying on. Even at this time in the evening, he looked as if he had just finished getting ready for an extravagant evening out at some fancy event. He was wearing one of his navy coloured suits, which brought out the dazzling colour of his eyes, and there was not a single hair out of place on his head. I could even smell his bitter cologne as if he had just splashed some on before I opened the door. This made me realise how easy it would be for him to distract others, as he says, just by picking his audience wisely, namely, females.

I gave him a small nod to show I accepted his poor answer, and for him to continue. As soon as I gave him this small gesture, he began to edge forwards. "Can I come in to speak about today? I don't think it is a matter that should be discussed in a corridor for anyone to hear." He said this calmly and very business like, as if we were going to be discussing royal affairs that Giles had set out in an agenda earlier on. I couldn't refuse him, but I had never had someone other than Nerissa in my room, let alone a gentleman. So instead of answering, I simply moved away from the door to allow him in. As he walked through and passed the door to the bathroom, which was still open, with steam still seeping out, he looked in and set his eyes on the bath. "You are welcome to enjoy your bath whilst I speak, I have no objections." He said this without looking at me, but I felt a burning in my face at the idea. "Don't be so crude, this is highly inappropriate as it is." I retaliated, the burning in my face going down my throat now, which seemed to show through my speech, as Zachery simply looked at me for a moment, before chuckling ever so slightly.

We sat down in front of the fireplace. I offered for Zachery to sit in my armchair, but as there is only one, he politely refused, before sitting on the floor. It wouldn't feel fair for me to sit comfortably whilst he is on the floor, so I joined him and brought a blanket from the bed for us to sit on to make it a bit nicer. He is a Duke after all.

"What do you need to speak about that couldn't wait until morning?" I asked, genuinely curious.

He seemed to tense up at the question. "I don't want to concern you, but I feel that what we found earlier may be more sinister than what we first thought." He spoke softly and carefully, as if he were walking on eggshells, trying not to let anything crack.

"Zachery, you seem to underestimate what I can handle. Just tell me before I lose interest, as that would be more sinister than whatever you seem to have discovered, I can assure you." I said sternly, whilst tucking my hair behind my ears, acting much more confident in my words than what I felt.

He looked up to me and watched me as I moved my hair, deliberating how to begin his next sentence. "When I first found that trap door, I saw something on the handle and inspected it before you came over. It was blood, I'm sure of it. I tried to conceal it from you because I didn't want to worry you further without any reason. However, this evening, I fear I may have been given a reason to share this information with you, hence why I am telling you now. I found blood in my suite, that most certainly was not mine. It was in the sink as if someone had washed it from their hands. Whoever it was, was obviously relying on me having a room service today. Which I suppose is what we made it look like earlier." He took a deep breath to regain a normal breathing pattern, as I don't think he took a real breath the whole time he was talking. "Anyway, I feel that we need to do something without making anyone aware. I'm not entirely sure what is going on, Audrey-Rose, but it seems like it is centred around myself." He said this last part so quietly it was barely decipherable, but his eyes were screaming in contrast.

Even though I didn't really know him, it hurt me to see him this way. He seemed so vulnerable at this moment, like his royal barrier and confidence had been completely shattered. I wanted to figure this mystery out for myself, especially as I live here, but I wanted to figure it out mostly to stop Zachery from being stuck in the middle of it all.

"Let us figure out a plan to crack this code. I can pick locks with my hair pin, I'm sure a bloody intruder will be no hassle. I will get us a drink and we can discuss our next steps, okay?" I spoke to him so meaningfully that I felt I was comforting an old friend, not a Duke who I met two days ago. He smiled at me and accepted my plan, before building his barrier back up where it's shadow had been and smirked. "That is a brilliant idea, will wine do?"

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