Louis' letter

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Dear Boobear,

it's quite a while ago, since we talked or met to be honest. And I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts. You never knew how much I loved you.

I love you since the beginning. Since the first time we met in the bathroom stall alone. Since then I love you with all my heart, but I never told you! I knew you were straight and wouldn't return the feelings so I stayed in the closet, every evening, every night crying my eyes out.

But I was happy with you as my best friend. That was all I could ask for, but then everything crashed down. I know you love Eleanor, but in opinion she is the cause of my death.

She is lovely and kind and sweet and cute, but she has something I always wanted to have. YOU! But I know I couldn't have you! But I had you as a friend. That was the reason I brought you together, because the only thing I ever wanted, was to see you happy. Even if it means that I won't be ever happy.

And the my point of view changed. The night you tweeted that our bromance was bullshit. Bullshit to you, but everything to me. It was the only thing that kept me sane, Louis. And then you took it away from me. And I started to loose control and the first cut came soon after.

You moved out and we didn't talk anymore. That was the time I finally broke, when you and the others didn't even bothered to ask me to join or ask if I was okay.

No, I was alone and nobody was there to save me.

But yeah you are. I will call you now and maybe you can save me, maybe not.

Depends on when you are reading this.

I will always love you Louis. But you killed me. You killed me with all your heart and that is something I won't forgive you! Because of you I am dead!

Goodbye Louis, have a good life.

Harry Edward Styles

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