Chapter 6 : 3 Shots Your Out Pt 3

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Chan smiled, looking off into the crowd as he and the others performed get cool. Until he heard a loud gunshot, he looked over to see Felix on the ground in a pool of blood. He then heard a few more gunshots to the rest of the members in the same position as Felix in a pool of their own blood. Chan was entirely still as looked over into the crowd only to see a dark void.


Chan shot up from his sleep in a complete sweat. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked over out the window to see it was morning. He sighed before remembering what happened yesterday. " maybe it was all just a dream," he thought.

He looked over to see Changbin, he quickly got up off his bed and jumped on Changbin's bed " bin, bin, bin " Chan said as he shook Changbin "bin " he said "what and will you stop shacking me, please"Changbin said finally waking ''sorry" Chan said as he let him go Changbin was about to say something.

Until a loud scream rang through the whole dorm. Chan and Changbin looked at each other before quickly getting up, rushing out of their shared room the source of the scream.

The scream soon turned into crying as they enter Felix Jeongin and Minho's room. When they entered the room, they saw Minho holding a distraught Hyunjin, " why couldn't it be a dream. "Some time had passed when they finally got Hyunjin to calm down, and everyone was sitting around the table.

"Guys," their manager said as he entered the dorm and walked over to them. "Any news on Felix, Seungmin, or Jeongin, " Chan asked. " No, but you guys are needed at you, the police station. They're still trying to find the person who did this, and they need your statements," he replied.

"I don't want to, nor do I want to relive that moment, " Jisung said, finally speaking since the whole incident. Taejin sighed, " look, I tried to hold it off the best I could," he said. Chan looked around at the members before standing up from his seat "look, let's get dress and to get this over with it," he said. The others only nodded before also getting up and heading off to get dress.

After they were all dressed and good to go, they were headed off to the police station. When they got there, they were told to sit and wait, but the wait wasn't long. As a cop came and asked for them to come one at a time into the interrogation room.

First was Chan since he was the oldest next was then Minho then followed by the rest of the members. Each of them gave their statement of what happened that day. Hyunjin and Minho had gotten very emotional while speaking about that day. Once the interrogation was over, the officer sent them on their way as all their stories match up, and he didn't need to investigate them any farther.

The Next Day

The next wasn't any better. Everyone was in the living room, minus Chan, who was on the phone with the manager and the hospital's maknae line.

Chan walked into the living with a sigh "what did manager hyung say " Minho asked "he said we should all get dressed; we have practice in thirty minutes," Chan said, looking at his me. You're kidding us, right cause there is no way in hell I'm going to practice," Hyunjin said as he stood up from where he was sitting at.

"Hyunjin, this isn't up for debate," Chan said, looking at the young rapper; Hyunjin gripped his fist tightly together, looking at chan, "unless you've forgotten three of our members were shot less than three days ago. "

" Hyunjin, that's enough, " Changbin said as he stood up and walked over to Chan's side Hyunjin looked at the two. "I see how it is. You guys don't care about them at all; do you, " he said with a looked of anger. "Hyunjin, we do care, " Chan said

"I can't tell you do."

Changbin was starting to get angry. Of course, he cared about Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin. "Hyunjin, of course, we care, but we're still idols, and we have a job to uphold" Hyunjin was beyond mad "fuck being an idol; those are own friends. They're more important," He yelled.

"Do you care more about your job than your friends?" Hyunjin said, looking at the three "look, I'm the leader here," chan said. Hyunjin rolled his eyes "leader, I see no leader. What I see is a selfish coward, so don't say your a leader causes your no leader of mine," He said before walking off. Minho had gotten up looking at them " he isn't lying," he said before walking off like Hyunjin.

Minho then walked off following hyunjin. As for Jisung, he didn't know what to say. He only sat there in silence; he looked at chan and could see the hurt all over his face, but he could also understand how hyunjin was feeling. Jisung stood up with a sign and walked away. "Chan, are you okay," Changbin asked, looking at the leader. Chan didn't say anything before walking out the front door and slamming the door behind him. 

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