Shattered Voices

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Hyunjin sighed as he hung up the phone on Chan, "who was that"? Minho asked."take a guess, " Hyunjin said as he sat down next to Minho "what did he want "? " he wanted me and you to come to meet him and talk things out," Hyunjin said. "Maybe we should " Hyunjin looked at Minho like he just grew a second head "here me out on this. Let's just listen to what he has to say, then leave."

Hyunjin sighed as he looked up at the ceiling " fine, I guess," he said as he got up. Minho smiled as he also got up. The two both headed out to go and meet Chan.


Chan looked over out the window and watching people pass by. Not one of them was Minho, or Hyunjin chan decided it best to leave now as the two weren't coming anytime soon. Just as he was getting up, Chan saw Hyunjin and Minho walk into the cafe "let's make this quick, " Hyunjin said as the two walked over and sat down.

Chan nodded in full understanding "first, thanks for coming, and second I wanted to say that I'm sorry " Minho and Hyunjin looked at each other then back at the leader. " I know I haven't been the best leader to guys; I'm sorry for not understanding you 're feelings," Chan said before he started crying.

Seeing Chan cry made Hyunjin crying, "I was really selfish. I thought we could just continue on like nothing ever happened, but deep down, I knew that what; could never change or go away," Chan said, looking Minho nodded in understanding as he wiped away his own tears.

"At the time, it may not seem like I care, but I do; I care deeply for Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin," Chan said, expressing his feelings."I'm also sorry," Hyunjin said, crying even more than before " I'm sorry, and I take back everything I said to the others; I was just so angry that they got hurt I couldn't do anything about it, " Hyunjin explained as looked down.

"I glad we talked, but the biggest apology goes to Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin."

Just think if they woke to see us like this, they'd be upset knowing how fast we fell apart, and I think it's time we also go visit them, "Minho said. Chan and Hyunjin nodded in full agreement; as Chan was about to speak, all three of the phones buzzed. When they pulled out their phones, they saw that Jisung texted into the group chat.

"I wonder want he wants, " they all thought as they opened the message, and that's when sudden plagued them as they quickly got up out and ran out of the cafe.


Changbin hadn't realized he was the only one in the dorm until he started looking for Chan and couldn't find him. He then looked for Minho Hyunjin and Jisung, but they weren't there either. Changbin sighed as he sat on the couch and began to scroll through twitter.

He really did want things to go back to normal, but he knew that was gonna take time, even more so when Chan, Hyunjin, and Minho were a bunch of stubborn bastards. When he saw he got a message, he thought it was Chan initially but was surprised to see Jisung.

Now that Changbin had thought about it, he realized he hadn't really spoken to Jisung for two months. Come to think of it, when was the last time he saw Jisung? he wondered. Changbin shrugged it off as he opened the message.

At first, he was confused before reading the entire message as he sprung up from the couch. He put on his shoes then quickly ran out of the dorm.

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