Bullet For A Leader

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Chan signed as he walked into the cafe he would usually go to when he was upset. That's been a lot lately for the past two months. Chan would take a seat a few feet from a window and order a coffee but never drink it. He would only stare at an going into deep thought like was he was now.

"Bang Chan, right."

Chan was spooked by the voice. He looked up to see none other than seventeen's leader S.coups or Seungcheol."Hello sunbaenim, " Chan said, bowing. "No, need to be all formal just call me hyung,

"Seungcheol said Chan only nodded before looking back down at his coffee."So let me guess you and your band mates aren't on speaking terms."

Chan looked up at Seungcheol in surprise and shock" how could you guess so quickly," he asked," I think you could say in a way I was sitting in your exact same position."

Chan gave a confused look at Seungcheol" how what happened," he asked curiously. "About two years ago, our Chan got really sick to the point we didn't think he was gonna make it, " Seungbandmatesn to explain.

"Everyone was anxious and stressed about Chan at first; we tried to keep calm, but that didn't do any good. Soon everyone started arguing, fighting no one wanted to here look or see one other."
Seungcheol sighed as he remembered the events that played out."What about you"?

"Me, I tried the best that I could to keep the peace, but nothing worked." Chan looked at the Seungcheol " what happened next," Chan asked.

" Well, I was under a lot of stress. I felt like I couldn't do anything for my members at that time, and I didn't even allow myself to cry," he said"why didn't you cry if you were hurting, "Chan asked.

" I guess I told myself what's the point of crying if I can help my members I'm not a good leader at all if I can't be there for Chan or anyone else like I want to. So I wrote them a note, and I left; days went by. I didn't contact anybody, and all those days I spent alone, I let myself think, and that's when I actually cried for the first time since the arguments and Chan getting sick".

Chan was so intrigued by Seungcheol by what happened between him and his members if he ever saw Seventeen or the videos saw they were always happy. Any problem they faced, it looked like they face it together ." After crying what seemed like two days

I finally went back to the dorm, and there I was greeted by everyone. They were all distraught. They were crying, explaining how they had been calling me for the past few days trying to get a hold of me, and at that moment, I broke down and cried in front of them".

"So when you cried in front of them what they say or do, " Chan asked. "Well after I cried and they cried with me, after that, we all sat down and talk things out and expressed our feelings towards one another that we shouldn't be fighting our main priority was to chan and him getting better,"seungcheol said.

Chan only nodded before looking back down at his cup " well, I've told you my story now it's time for you to tell me yours."

Chan looked at Seungcheol and began to tear up without even realizing he was crying." I..I.I..i just want to be a good leader, but how can I be a good leader if I can't protect my bandmates," Chan said, whipping his tears away.

"Hyunjin and Minho hate me, and Chtheir always getting into an argument with Changbin," Chan said as he continued to cry Seungcheol only nodded in understanding chan completely.

"Have you visited the three members that are the hospital since the accident?" he asked. Chan shook his head no and cried even more "no, I could bring myself to go visit them. I don't think any of the others have gone to see them either," Chan said.

Seungcheol nodded again, think back to how it was for him and not bring himself to go see Chan."I just feel like; I'm not cut out to be a leader" "

"Well, no one is a perfect leader,"seungcheol said. Chan looked up at the older "all leaders may be different, but we all sure one thing in common, we want what's best for our group, and maybe soon you and your members will reconnect and see that all this fighting was pointless.

"Chan nodded in agreement. He let took in a deep breath before exhaling" the right thank you hyung, " Chan said seungcheol smiled "anytime also give me your phone, so I can " Chan reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and handed it to seungcheol

"Anytime you feel down or just wanna talk, feel free to calm" Chan smiled and nodded " thank you again i really need this talk " seungcheol smiled."Anytime, see you later, chan," he said, waving goodbye as he walked out the cafe.

Chan looked out the window before pulling out his phone and dialing a number. He waited for an answer as the phone rung "what do you want" the person on the other end said as he answered the phone "listen Hyunjin, can you and Minho please come to the cafe so we can talk things out please " Chan said but instead of the getting answering hyungjin hung the phone up on Chan.

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