Who R We

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Shortly after, Jisung sent his message the others had met up. They were all freaking out " this is all my fault, " Minho said over and over again as started crying " this isn't just your fault, " Chan said " Look, it doesn't matter whose fault. It is what matters most is finding Jisung," Changbin said.

Everyone nodded as they began their search; a full hour had passed, and they still couldn't find him, "where in the world could he be? We've searched everywhere, even the dorm, "Hyunjin said," there is still one more place we haven't searched, " Chan said.

"You don't think he went there, do, " Minho said " I don't, but if he is there, we have to stop him "they all nodded before racing towards the JYP building. Once they had reached the building, they were all out of breath, but they knew they had to get to Jisung " guys, I think that's him," Changbin said, pointing to the figure that was on the roof.

They quickly ran inside the building, heading straight for the roof. Chan hoped that they weren't too late. They couldn't lose Jisung, he thought as they rushed up the stair.


Chan yelled as he and the others busted through the door to the roof; Jisung has slowly turned around, looking at the others " Jisung," they all started to walk, " don't come any closer or I'll jump"! Jisung yelled, stating to off the edge.

" Sungie, please don't do this, " Minho said, still moving even though the others had stopped in his tracks. "I said stop, or I'll jump," Jisung said, starting to move off the edge. " Okay, okay, " Minho said, stopping in his tracks along tears spilling from his eyes " sungie, please don't "" why do all care about me now," he yelled.

"Ji, what are you talking about? We all care, and love you."

"No, you don't! You only care about me cause I wanna jump, "Jisung said. "Ji, that is not true," Chan said " really cause were where you when I would wake up from horrible nightmares when I was having these feelings of hurt myself none of you where there you all pushed me away" Jisung yelled and continued to yell about they all left him feeling useless.

Changbin and Hyunjin couldn't contain their tears, and the guilt was just destroying them from the inside " you right, we did push you away, and we were selfish, but jisung you can't do this, "Chan said.

"An do you think to do this will help our current situation? What do you think Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin say when they wake up," Changbin yelled in frustration ." What the hell would you guys know " he yelled as moved closer off the edge.


"What couHuhyou guys possibly know! huh, cause none of you were there never bothered to visit them like I did " he stated, " you weren't when I had to. watch them be resuscitated I blamed and hated my self, even more, that day. No one was there to comfort or help me not even my fucking boyfriend " he shouted the last part made everyone. Still, Minho confused, " Sungie, I'm sorry I should have been there for."

Minho said as he started to cry, " you two were dating "? Hyunjin said in shock. " Hyunjin, shut up like you have any room to talk about. How about you tell everyone about you and Felix, " Jisung said; this made everyone turned and looked at Hyunjin " how...how did you find out "?

"I overheard you two talking that day," Jisung said " look, that doesn't matter, Jisung, please come down from there please," Chan said " I'm sorry, but cant this is goodbye, " Jisung said, and like that, it was like time slowed down as Jisung had moved off the ledge of the building.

It was like his mind went blank for Chan as he tuned out everyone as they screamed Jisung's name when jumped and he raced forward to catch everything for him was just black when he came to he looked down to him holding jisung by the arm. Jisung the minute he jumped off the edge, he thought it was the end, but it wasn't as chan caught him.

Jisung couldn't explain it, but this wave of emotions came over as he began to cry as all his feelings were let loose. He looked up to see Chan crying as he pulled him up into a hug, followed by the others who were even crying their eyes out. A full thirty minutes had passed that Jisung had cried so much out everyone else that he fell asleep. After he fell, asleep Chan had carried him back to the dorm. The walk back was utterly silent.

When they had gotten back to the dorm, Minho had offered to look after, Jisung which they agreed to. They also decided to talk as soon as Jisung felt better as there were many things they all need to discuss and talk about.

Earlier That Day

"Where am I? Why is it so dark?"

" min, innie, lix please forgive me do know I'm only doing this for everyone's sake so, please forgive me,"

"What! is that Ji hyung? why am I in so much pain." 

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