参 - 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄.

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𝗲𝘅𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀.


"Hows the medicine treating you?" My therapist asked me while taking notes in her note pad.

"It's alright... im not so easy to piss off anymore." I shrugged. "Still having problems though."

"Tell me about it." She looked up at me.

"Well... my mother wants me and my sister to come visit here. For this huge 'family barbecue' and I'm just not up with the plan. My sister on the other hand is telling me she misses her and wants to go see her and stuff.. I just don't think I'm ready." I shrugged. "She did out entire family wrong. That isn't just something you get over."

"I understand, but she's trying to make everything right. At least that's what i see."

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"You contacted your brother like I told you to?" She lifted her eyebrows up at me. "He recently got out of prison. I think you should try to rekindle the relationship."

I turned my face up and shook my head. "I don't want to see nor hear from him."

"How y'all gonna be out here when my sister getting jumped and don't say nor do shit?" I mugged lezo, mari. Leon and cole.

"Bam helped ha' ass." Lezo shrugged.

"Bitch she only came over here because of yo damn dumbass!" I pointed at lezo. "You know she got a hot ass temper and talks mad shit and you gonna let alicia hoe ass friends jump her? Bitch you foul as fuck i outta-"

"Dallas..." Genesis tried to catch my attention.

"No! Fuck all that shit. Bitch you dead ass wrong!" I walked over to desire and yanked her arm. "And you stupid as fuck! This nigga don't want you! What don't you see? Hop off his musty ass dick and open yo damn eyes."


"Shut the fuck up and lis-"

"Yo! You shut the fuck up and listen to what the fuck they gotta say." Tecc snatched me up by my arm. "Yo face red and you tense. Calm yo lil ass down."

I took a deep breath before yanking my arm back. "Bitch mind your business nobody asked for yo two cents!" I stomped my foot and turned to look at desire again. "You wanna be dumb? Be dumb. Don't come running to me when this nigga gets you pregnant again and tells you to abort it or get a plan b and in that same breath he gets another bitch pregnant and she gets to keep her baby."

I waved the whole situation off and walked to my car getting in, starting it up, pulling off.

I took a few deep breaths before pulling into the corner store parking lot.


"Fuck is her problem?" Cole asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"She has IED." Genesis answers while shifting in her seat. "She'd probably be good later then again she'd probably still be going off on people."

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