Chapter 4: Heartbeat

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"Jade West and Beck Oliver" The nurse called, bringing me out of my thoughts, causing me to jump just a little in surprise.

"Right here." I said, giving a small wave.

"Right this way." She motioned, as I walked ahead of Jade, following the nurse as she directed us to one of the many rooms.

Once we arrived, the nurse handed Jade on of the hospital gowns and guided her to the changing area.

"Thank you." I heard Jade mumble, before stepping behind the curtain.

I sat in one of the chairs, wondering what Jade could be thinking. She seemed like an emotional wreck this morning, but as of now I couldn't tell at all. She was a blank slate.

Once she had changed, she stepped around to the bed and sat, facing me.

"Why are we here?" She asked, obviously bored out of her mind.

"Because that's what parents do right?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

She scoffed, avoiding my gaze.

"You don't want to keep it do you?" I asked her, struggling to keep my tone under control. I was not about to mess with that.



He thinks we're keeping it. He genuinely thinks we could be good parents.

I think he didn't get enough sleep for a month and is acting high. There is no way we could. I mean me, a mother? Nobody wants to see that disaster.

"Beck, think about this for a second would you? I'm a constant dumpster fire. I am the most reckless human....ever I'd say and you think I could be in charge of a tiny, helpless human incapable of doing anything other than crying all the time? Are you high or something!" I said, raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head.



She wants to either give it up or she's considering abortion. The first option may not be the worst, but we could try to make it work maybe before heading in that direction, byt the second option? Never.

"Look, let's just try and make this work first. Please?" I asked, really not wanting to have this conversation.... well ever.

"Fine. Whatever." She snapped.

"Jade West?" Someone asked, and I looked over to see a doctor enter.

"That's me." She replied, offering her hand out for a handshake. Man she could play the part of a respectful teenager so well sometimes.

"I'm Dr. Ridge, I'll be your on call doctor for your pregnancy and any concerns yo might have on during the nine months unless you decide abortion is the right option for you." She informed.

"Oh, and you must be...." The doctor wondered for a moment.

"Beck Oliver. The father." I introduced, shaking the hand that she offered after.

"Nice to meet both of you." She said.

"Now, any strange symptoms or concerns so far? You look to be about fourteen weeks along, a slight bump is already forming." She said, giving a kind smile.



Fourteen weeks already? Wow I must be blind not to have seen a bump. If I didn't see it then, I definitely see it now.

"Now, Jade, if you would lay down, I'm going to rub the cream on your stomach, and use the black-light to create the ultrasound, which will appear on this screen once it's scanned." She explained, keeping everything simple. Good, I hated complicated instructions.

She applied the cream, probably expecting a flinch. I felt satisfied at the expression it caused when I didn't.

Beck and I watched the screen intently, and I hadn't realized the inhale I took when it appeared.

It was so clear to me. The shape was obvious. I could see a baby, inside of me.

"Beck do see that right?" I asked him, trying to grab his arm without looking. The sound of it's heartbeat hit my ears second. I also felt the tears it caused, running down my cheeks.

Beck chuckled before wiping them away pointedly.

"Yeah, that's our baby." He said softly, wrapping an arm around my waist, and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Congratulations it's a girl." Dr. Ridge announced, after looking through some things on the laptop.

I felt a smile develop. "I always wanted a girl." I said, looking at Beck.

Our lips crashed together, the fire fueling it dying into a slow burning ember, leading into the soft ending of the ashes.

He kissed my forehead gently.

"Thank you so much." Beck said politely, handing me my clothing so I could change.

I changed, my limbs feeling numb as I did so.



"So we're keeping her right?" I clarified.

"No daughter of mine will be sent away to a stranger. Ever" She responded softly.

Authors note:
Thank you guys so much for reading! In order to get notified on my author announcements that I will be posting every time someone comments first, please follow! I will be able to notify you if I am unable to write, announce shoutouts to supportive followers who are the first to comment on a new chapter, or about upcoming updates. Thank you guys so much I love each and every one of you, and I remind you to stay positive!

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