Chapter 10: Apology Accepted

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The light from the street lamps turned to yellow streaks as Beck drove, nodding his head to the old rock music we were listening to. 

I was twisting the ring around my finger mindlessly, unable to keep a smile off of my face, even as he pulled into Tori's driveway.  

I hopped out of his truck, before walking around to the front of it, and going towards the porch. Beck followed, and I pressed the doorbell. 

The door opened, to reveal a very shocked looking Tori. 


"Hey, could we come in?" I heard Beck ask politely. 

"As long as she doesn't break anything, I'm fine with that" Tori said, tossing me a nasty look. 

"I won't" I answered, hands up in surrender. 

"Listen, Tori, I...I'm really sorry. I just don't know how to cope with everything that's happened, and I didn't think about anyone else." I said, pacing around the living room, looking at the floor. My cheeks were obviously flushed with embarrassment, but I managed to get the words out. 

"You're forgiven, but that's only under the circumstance that you'll try not to kill me every other day." Tori said, giving me an eyebrow. 

"Fine." I said, rolling my eyes as she smiled, and hugged me. It took me by surprise, but I hugged back. 

"By the way, Leah is SO adorable." Tori said, her eyes huge. 

"Okay, crazy lady has baby fever!" I called to Beck, who was leaning against the counter watching. 

He grinned, before walking over to me. 

"You were the crazy lady with baby fever for a time too you know" He said, kissing my cheek. 

"Okay, well I'll see you guys...later." Tori said, making a shooing motion towards the pair of us. 

"I'm going I'm going!" Beck said, stepping onto the porch. 

"I'm gone" He said, giving her a wave. 

I watched him hop into the truck. 

"Thanks. For being the mother I...I failed to be. You're a really good person, Tori." I said, this time hugging her, before walking back to the truck. 

I smiled once I was inside, seeing the door still open and Tori's bewildered face. 

"Let's go home" I said, before Beck took my hand is, our hands resting on the armrest. 


Once at Beck's house, I went to the pack and play, seeing Leah quite asleep. 

I smiled, before walking into the kitchen. 

"Can I help with anything?" I asked her, pulling my hair back. 

"Sure! Do you mind cutting the lettuce? We're having Tacos and salad for dinner if you want to stay" Mrs. Oliver said, a grin on her face. 

"Sure" I said with a shrug, washing my hands in the sink, before wiping them off on a plaid printed hand towel. 

"Here, I'll dice some tomatoes" Beck said, before joining us. 


There was an audible jingling noise, before Mr. Oliver came inside. 

"Ah there she is! The next Oliver" He said, chuckling while he putting his jacket onto a peg by the door. 

"It also seems that the tiny Oliver wants to join us for dinner too!" He noted, coming into the kitchen to plant a kiss onto Mrs. Oliver's cheek as he passed through the kitchen and to the table that was next to it in the open space. 

"I'll get her" I said, untying my apron as we were just about done with dinner. 

I walked into the living room, and scooped her out of the pack and play, her head on my shoulder. 

I sat down, shifting her position so that I was cradling her, her head in the crook of my left arm. 

"So, any ideas about what you're going to sing at the upcoming dance?" Mrs. Oliver asked, setting the table with taco shells and ground beef. 

"No, I'll probably need Andre's help for it. At this point, I'm kind of debating whether or not I should actually do it at all." I said with a shrug, as the last of the food made it's way onto the table. 

"You should! Beck talks all the time about your singing talent!" Mr. Oliver exclaimed, taking his seat at the head of the table. 

"Well, Beck has some tunes himself" I commented, taking a bite of my taco with my one free hand. 

"That's true. Even if it can be pitchy" Mrs. Oliver said, causing Beck to flush pink. 

"Just the truth, son" Mr. Oliver added. 


Later that night, when the laughter had subdued to drowsiness on the couch, Mr. Oliver stood up, stretching. 

"well, I'm off to bed. I've got a big day at the office tomorrow" 

"Goodnight dad" Beck said, nodding in his direction. 

"You guys should probably get going too." Mrs. Oliver said after looking down at her watch. 

"Yeah, It is pretty late." Beck said. 

I stood up, bouncing Leah as I saw her face screw up. 

"She probably needs to be changed." Beck noted, guiding me up the stairs. He opened the door to what used to be the guest bedroom, but was now a makeshift bedroom/nursery. 

"It's not much, but I've resorted to this." He said with a shrug. 


"It's fine" 

I laid the now crying baby onto the changing table, and Beck took over. 

"I'll show you" He said quickly. 

Putting a pacifier into Leah's mouth, he started to change her, and I watched what he did in hopes of remembering for the future. 

He dressed her into some pajamas, before carrying her to the crib. 

"She takes forever to fall asleep." He said, exhaustion coloring his tone. 

"Yo go off to sleep. I'll make sure she gets some rest. 

He nodded, removing his shoes and changing into sweatpants and a very loose shirt. 

I came closer to him, pushing his hair away from his face, before kissing him gently. His hands ran from my torso to my hips, and I kissed his forehead. 

"Go to sleep" I muttered. 

He nodded once more, falling onto the bed, and curling under the covers. 

I smiled, before looking down at my daughter. She was tossing and turning, and currently trying to get the pacifier out of her mouth. 

I lifted her out, and sat in the rocking chair that occupied a corner of the room. 

She grabbed onto my finger with her tiny hand, and I was reminded that she knew. She knew who I was, and as we drifted off to sleep, I was comforted by the idea of always being here with her. 


Author's note: I apologize for the wait, I've been quite tired myself, and haven't really been feeling the story. I can't force myself to want to write, but I do it for  you guys. I'm sorry that this chapter probably isn't great, and I can only hope that future me will edit it and make it into something great, but for now this is what some of the chapters are going to look like. I am so thankful that you guys are reading this story and that you all share your love of it with me, it makes me feel really special! I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy, and I wish you all the best in the upcoming months. Thank you. 

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