Chapter Three

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(AN: okay guys, hi, it's been a while. And I'm so, so, so, so sorry for that. I know it's been like six months but last year of school is hell, seriously. And a lot has happened since I last updated, my uncle died and we got some other terrible news. And I've just not had the motivation to write, I'm sorry. I never once forgot about this story or you guys; your comments keep me going and they mean so much to me, especially to see that you're enjoying CBM and this story. And to see that people are still reading both of them even two years on now. So thank you so much for sticking with me and the stories; it means a lot, even if I am a terrible person for not updating half as much as I should. It s now that I realise that this is longer than the whole of this chapter anyway, please enjoy this crappy excuse of an update.
Love, summer. )

Dear Danny,

I hope you're having a good time on the road, hopefully you'll be reading this when you get to New York in a few weeks from when I wrote this letter.I just wanted to let you know that I've had another scan and the babies are healthy, a little on the small side but healthy. I'm fine too, so don't worry about us. How are you guys?

Anyway, names: I've added a few more to the list but I want to know what you think. Boys: Aiden, Logan, James; Harry, Alexander and William. Girls: Nancy, Emilia, Alice, Charlotte; Addison and Isabelle.What do you think? The nursery is finished; your mum helped and it looks great, we just need a few more bits and pieces then that's it - we'll be ready for these two.

So Ellie is here again...she brought a 'friend': Ed. Oh, they're definitely more than friends, but they refuse to admit it. They got some clothes for the babies along with some blankets and things. She's such a sweetheart. I was thinking that since she's such a great friend that we should make her Godmother of one of the kids, you know? And Mark and Glen Godfathers? What do you think?

I miss you and I love you. Forever. I hope to see you soon,

All my love,


Folding the letter and placing it in a stamped envolope, Lacey sighed as she thought about Danny. He had left for America a few weeks ago and the babies would be due in two months (it was May now) and she didn't know when the lads would be home...if Danny would be home for the births of their children in July, if all went well. Usually, twins are born earlier than a single baby, at about thirty-six weeks, meaning that they were likely to be born in June.

Next month.

The thought terrified her, to think that just a year ago, Lacey had been at school doing what she loved. Singing. Then she met Danny and her whole world changed overnight. Literally. Now she was seven months pregnant and engaged to the frontman of the biggest Irish band since U2. It had gone so fast.
In hindsight, the girl realised that she had never given herself time to come to terms with the death of her family; Lacey had been so busy that it had all kept her mind off it. She needed to mourn. But how could she when they were in Sheffield and she in Dublin?
"hey, Lacey." Came Ellie's voice from the doorway, "Are you...okay?" She hesitated, noticing the girl's tear stained cheeks.
Lacey shook her head as moor tears seemed to fall down her face and her body violently shook with sobs. Her friend moved quickly, wrapping her arms around the pregnant woman as she whispered soothing words to her.
"I miss them."
Those few words were all it took for her to be taken by a tidal wave of tears once more, sobbing into her best friend's shoulder.

From the doorway, Danny regarded the two women with keen interest and worry. He hadn't known that his going away would affect Lacey so; if he had, he would have canceled. But she had persuaded him to go. Telling him that she would be fine. Foolishly, he had believed her, like every other time she had told him that she would be fine. Of course she wouldn't be!
However, it was then that the singer realised: she hadn't meant him, Lacey and meant her family. And his heart ached for her; he knew what it felt like to lose someone you love, but not how it felt to lose your whole family...he couldn't help her with this, nobody could, not really. Over the past year, so much had happened and she hadn't allowed herself to mourn, it was as if she'd forgotten about them altogether - of course she hadn't, but that's how it had seemed to him. Some days she was fine, all smiles and laughs but there were also days when she wasn't quite so happy - they were the days when he worried for her the most; who knew what could happen?
Slowly, Danny school himself from his thoughts and entered the room, noticing, Ellie let go of Lacey and he took her place almost immediately.

Realising who was now holding her Lacey's grip tightened around, refusing to let him go. "You're supposed to be on tour." She murmured, her voice full of tears.
"You needed me here," Softly, Danny comforted, "So this is where I intend to stay." His words seemed to calm his fiancée as her sobs quietened.
"They should still be here."
For a moment, he stilled, processing her words, "I know sweetheart, I know." He'd known that this was going to come again, just as it had done a few months ago but he wasn't prepared for it. He never was. That wasn't going to change.


When she calmed down, the couple decided that it would be a good idea to go for a walk in the park; everything was in bloom and looked beautiful. "It's so beautiful here, don't you think, Dan?" Softly, Lacey smiled as she breathed in the scent of the followers and fresh air.
"Not as beautiful as you though." Stated the man as he kissed her head.
Lacey chuckled and blushed, "Shut up, I look like a whale and I waddle for God's sake!"
"But you're still beautiful. And I love you." Then he kissed her before they headed home.

Once inside, Lacey set to make dinner for her and her family - that's what they truly were, Eloise was her sister, Ed was Eloise's boyfriend and Danny was Lacey's fiancé. They were all that mattered to her at that moment, them and the babies. As she washed her hands to get ready to cook, Eloise walked in and offered to help, which the woman gladly accepted, thankful.
"Okay, what's going on with you and Ed?" Question Lacey as soon as she could. The curly haired girl opened her mouth to answer but the pregnant friend cut her off, "And don't you dare say that you're just friends."
Eloise laughed, "Fine, we're, we're together." Hugging Lacey, She replied with a grin, "god it feels so good to actually say that!"
The two young women squealed in delight and laughed giddily. Lacey was so happy for her best friend; she deserved someone like Ed, somebody who would love her no matter what. And it had happened how they had wanted it to for so long: they fell in love at around the same time, of course they had wanted for their children to grow up together, however now, that was unlikely to happen. But she was happy and that was all that mattered.

This Is Love - The Script Story - Danny O'Donoghue (Sequel to Can't be Moved)Where stories live. Discover now