Chapter 7

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Goldface and his gang were hanging out at the famous criminal hang out area called the Quag. Goldface, Barry, Iris, Leonard and Mick were sitting on a small wall and smoking. While Ramsey, Sylbert, Raya and Janet were doing more graffiti on a wall behind them.

Suddenly, Tony and his crew appeared from out of the blue. Hey, that's our spot. So move losers. Tony provokingly said. Yeah, we call dibs. So move it or lose it. Jaco added. Now just a minute. We have a right to be here. Goldface said, getting up from where he was sitting. Where you belong, is over there. With the rest of those dipshits. Stanley said, motioning to the other gangs and criminals. What makes you think we're going anywhere. Ramsey said. Arms folded. Ooh, looks to me like this guy's asking for a beating. Andy added. Oh fuck you. Barry said, cutting in and walking towards Andy. You better shut that mouth of yours boy. Andy was now holding a finger up to Barry. Barry then swang his fist at him, but he missed. Andy managed to dodge it. Before a brawl could start, Goldface had yelled something. We ain't doing this! You stay the fuck away from my crew. He said as he stepped in front of Barry and Andy.

What? To chicken to fight? See that guys? They're scared, they're scared. Tony said as he began to laugh. These guys are getting on my last nerve. Goldface said to himself before turning to Tony. Now listen here dipshits. You want a fight? Then you've got one. Just meet us here tomorrow night. 8:00 sharp. Can't wait. Tony said, glaring at him. Oh, and one more thing. Whoever wins... Gets to hang out on this spot. For eternity. And whoever wins, gets $50 grand. Goldface said before turning around.

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