Chapter 3

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After Goldface introduced the new member of the Black Market to everyone, Barry fell head over heels for her. He has never felt this way for anybody before. She was so beautiful. And the clothes that she wears... So sexy. She wears denim shorts, converse sneakers, and a crop top. Barry couldn't stop thinking about her. That's why instead of asking her out, he kissed her. He walked right up to her and smashed his lips against hers. Iris on the other hand didn't refrain from this outcome. She kissed him back and after kissing passionately, they decided that they would officially be a couple.

Being a newbie, Iris already made some friends with some of the crew members. A part from her boyfriend Barry, she was awfully close to Raya and Janet. They hanged out a lot and talked a lot. Iris liked them, she thought they were cool. Then there was Leonard and Mick. She wasn't close to them, but she thought they were cool as well. But there were times where Mick would flirt with her. She thought it was flattering, but she would tease him and brush it off. Sylbert and Ramsey were the tough and serious ones, but they spoke to Iris. If Sylbert wasn't hanging out with Ramsey and Peter, he was with his girlfriend Janet. Then there was Peter. He was a nice guy overall, but Iris found him a little creepy. He had a white mask that he would wear during robberies and heists. Iris still thought he was creepy with and without the mask, but she still hanged out with him.

Iris liked her new crew, she loved getting into trouble with them and going on heists with them. She didn't feel like a newbie, she felt like she's been with them for a long time.

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