Stories of the Past

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"It all began with two primal beings, Moz and Sol." Stanton paused to see if everyone was listening. "Moz was the eternal ruler of the night while, Sol controlled the day. These beings were curious of each other but, had no way of meeting. Until the first man rose from the ground."

Is the dark figure and Moz the same creature?

A quick glance showed Reed half asleep and the siblings arguing, quietly, among themselves. It seems I was the only one paying attention.

"Shortly after, both Moz and Sol found out that humans could act as a median between the two of them. Through a series of trials and crisis, the beings found their champions and inhabited their bodies. Nations formed around these champions/vessels and each began to prosper." In order to get the attention of the others back, Stanton chopped everyone, except me, on the head. He did this in only a few seconds and managed to return to his spot. That was so fast! I didn't even see him stand up.

Devin, Jayde, and Reed nodded apologetically while Stanton continued again with a smile.

"When they finally met, war was waged, and chaos ruled as each being fought for dominance. Decades passed and all that was left was ruin and pain. However, Moz realized that each time he faced Sol, she became something more to him. Sol felt the same way and soon they became lovers. Although, Sol took this as an opportunity to gain power over Moz and asked him for a child."

At that moment, someone's stomach growled loudly. Five sets of eyes began to swivel and search for the culprit and found a blushing Jayde. Devin took this moment to poke fun at his sister. "How can you be hungry after that huge lunch?! You must have had at least fou..." POW! A right hook to the stomach shut him up real quick. Jayde, in a calm manner, acted as if it was a normal occurrence. After the assault on Devin, everyone was now standing.

"I suggest we all take a short intermission and fix some food before Jayde throws more punches." Reed said, smirking. He quickly dodged one of these punches and raced up a staircase that I hadn't noticed. I should try to take the lead here.

"I agree. We should head outside and get some fresh air. Stanton, would you assist Devin getting up the stairs." I say. A weird feeling comes over me. And I feel an urgent need to rush everyone out of here. When the others left and I was the only one standing, I looked over my shoulder. Sitting on the throne, was the dark figure. A devilish grin plain to see.

"So, how do like your followers. I tried to choose some that were a little.... different." It said. I must have made a face. "Don't worry, they will not have any idea that you and I are having a little get together." It smiled broadened and a sword appeared at its feet. What's your game plan here? Are you worried that I know your name?

"This is something I was going to gift before we got interrupted earlier. This finely crafted sword is designed for you and will only obey your command. In laymen's terms, this sword can be wielded by you alone." It got off the throne and, picking up the sword, made its way over to me. I got a little nervous as the creature approached me. Should I call it by its name? I think I should.

"Why are you doing this to me Moz?" I say. In retrospect, I should NOT have said that. Upon hearing that name, the figure emanated pure rage. I found myself backing up to the far wall as it got face-to-face with me.

Its voice was cold and uncaring. "If I ever here you speak that name again. You will wish that you remained dead and gone...." It stabbed the sword into the stone wall. "Do I make myself clear, Travis? Or do you need a little more warning?" I have to get Stanton to tell me the rest of the story!!! I go to find a way out of this situation and fast!

"I...I understand. You will not here that name out of me. I apologize." I say this while avoiding eye contact. "That's good..." Its attitude quickly reverted back. "Now, since you are now in possession of the sword, we won't have to see each other for a while. Toodles~." And just like that, it disappeared. For a few moments, I stood there with my back against the wall and realized that this is not a fantasy dream. The figure has just proven that this life should not be taken as a game and is real as my life on earth was.

What have I gotten into? What have I done? What should I do? What about this sword? Should I take it? What will happen if I don't? Tons of questions flowed through my mind. That was until Devin snapped me out of it. "Are you alright, Lord shadow?" asked Devin, still nursing bruised ribs. I regained my senses and pulled the sword from the wall. Play it calm and collected. "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. I was just collecting my weapon. Come, let's grab a bit of food and let Stanton finish his story." I replied.

Devin showed a little concern but, that soon vanished, and we ascended the stairway with me leading the way. What I saw was a beauty that anything on earth could compare to. I was surrounded by a dense forest of evergreens. The night sky shone so bright that every detail could be pointed out by the blind. And the stars were vast and welcoming. I turned to look at the tomb and discovered it was a rectangular stone building that looked like a solid block, except for the doorway leading downward. Four tents were stationed at each direction with a small fire currently lit at the tent facing north.

Do I really deserve to be in a place this beautiful?

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