1. The Einstein paradox

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November 7th, 2015

His eyes slowly opened, he looked around seeing dead bodies all around him, what happened everything was fine thirty minutes ago.

A screen on a skyscraper lit up showing New York from a birds eye view and all he could see was..... destruction.

“Hey is anyone still out there! A voice shouted from a distance. Anyone!

I was too weak to reply back I didn't say anything back I couldn't, all I did was raise up my hand with my last bit of strength and I fell unconscious.

April 13th, 2018, Currently.

His eyes opened and all the feeling came rushing back, he looked at his sides no one was there.

He stood up from the medical bed he laid on and walked to the door as he was about to touch the doorknob the door opened the doorknob wasn't turned or hit open and the door didn't look faulty, he stepped back to see who was coming in and a girl about his age entered holding a tray with syringes and scalpels and other medical equipment.

She looked at him stunned, for 2 minutes none of them said a word to each other.

“Um, how are you” She asked entering the room to drop the tray and the door shutting by itself behind her.

“Fi– wait where am I? He replied still looking at what he thinks is a magic door.

She came close to him and checked his temperature.

“Your here”

“Yeah but where is here”

“An infirmary, are you feeling lightheaded or drowsy anything like that”

“No not really... I feel fine”

A torchlight from the tray floated up in the air and right into her palm.

“Oh really, that's good”

“Yeah about what's going on right now is that magic or am I seeing things”

“Oh its telekinesis its my power”

“Oh telekinesis that makes so much sense. No it doesn't!. You know what I don't think my eyes are working right cause i saw a torch come up in mid air and you know that shit ain't normal”

“Its my power should I explain”

“Very much yes”

“Wear this”. A shirt and a pair of shorts floated out of the closet and onto his body. Its always better to see it for yourself.

They both came out of the room into a hallway and written on the walls boldly was “Resistance” they came into a big area like space and a door opened a man wearing blue jeans and black shirt with black and white Jordan sneakers came in.

“Hello I'm Garfield Bardock my friends call me Gar”

I'm— I almost crossed my lips forgetting my name, I stood there looking at him as if I was about to say pardon, It would have been uncool to say I had no idea who I am and was.

“I'm– I'm– Benjamin Coral” I managed to respond before he caught on I had no idea who i was”

“Liz, come here for a sec” Bardock said and she went to him.

“Yes sir”

“Didn't you take out his Heart” Bardock whispered to Liz.

“Yes sir I did I was going to take out his liver and his kidney for the other patients”

“How come he's alive without his heart”

“I have no idea sir, but first let's explain to him about the paradox”

“You took my heart!! Benjamin screamed on the top of his lungs

“Oh shit, now calm down boy what happened was.... Liz tell him what happened”

“Smooth Sir real smooth, Ben you were dead like 30 minutes ago like really dead and I mean dead dead there was even stuff eating your digestive tract nasty stuff real nasty stuff”

“I get it! but my hearts been beating since I woke up”

“you've been in a coma for over 3 years and they are new patients who need new organs so we decide to take yours, i took your heart like 2 weeks ago dude, today  I came to the room to come take your kidneys”

I sat down, this had to be a lie all a lie its a joke a really sadistic joke, I looked around for the cameras I  waited hoping for a bunch of my friends to jump out shouting to me You've been punked” And when that didn't happen I fell apart I've been  dead for over 3 years.

“Ok someone explain what the fuck is going on here, what's this all about” Ben asked as terrifying thoughts about what happened to everybody else his parents, his friends, his little sister.

“A machine was created, this machines main purpose was to give the soldiers of America an extra edge over the enemies for world war III although I'm not sure of what caused the machine to blow up unleashing these various abilities on the world but at the same time destroying half the population, and the result of that defective experiment is us ‘Supers’, look Ben if you had a past forget it its gone just start over that's what were all doing”

“So what's my power”

“Huh?! Shouldn't you be like dazed and confused after hearing that” said Liz dazed and confused.

“Yeah I was expecting the paradox to be some dark shit and turns out I was right”

“We have a professional who deals with figuring out your ability and teaching you how to control it”

Liz,Bardock and I went upstairs to what looked like a stadium and written above was 'Training room' in a bold font and beneath it was a crowd watching two supers fighting like gladiators.

“The one wearing purple that's the guy his name is Derek. Derek Solomon or Frostbite that's what most call him anyway” Liz introduced him to Ben

“So cool” whispered Ben who was fascinated by this amazing sights.

Derek grabbed his opponent by the arm and flipped him over and emerged from his hand an Ice sword which he pointed at his opponent who was struggling to get up.

“Fatality” Derek told his worthy adversary.

Ben looked at all the people down there and how high he was and then imagined how painful the drop would be As he backed away from the edge.

“Ben let's go” Liz ordered.

“Where? And what's up with the bossy tone I'm not your dog you know.

Liz jumped down the stadium and using telekinesis pushed Ben of the top of the stadium.

Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! The drop down was terrifying, he was close to shitting himself and a little bit closer to vomiting in mid air. They stopped falling and he was floating 3 inches above the ground. Thank God he wore black jeans today.

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