9. Storm in the Daylight(Part 1)

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Back at the truck.

A tear dripped down my eye as i heard Derek's voice over his phone i was enraged, Furious, angry i wanted to kill Hex i wanted to kill him and i wanted to do it now. I could feel lightning surging inside of me as the blue sparks caressed through my body some appeared even in glimpses on my clothing as a blast of the blue phenomenon struck the streets multiple times before hitting our van causing it to flip multiple times and of course what accompanied it later was Thunder as the sound of the loud phenomena banged in the air.

The truck stopped tumbling and started sliding as the clouds darkened making the atmosphere feel Night-ish as i banged on the door of the truck if flew wide open, I used my other hand to grab Hex out of the door and toss him outside.

Hex coughed as he landed on the ground but he got up quicker than you'd normally expect someone who was just in a car crash to. He laughed and then reached in his pocket and brought out a piece of tech then attached it to his right wrist and then readied himself for combat.

"I've been waiting to kick your ass all day all though father said I shouldn't before bringing you to him but I just can't help myself" Hex grinned as he walked towards me while still raising his arms to cover his chest region and in order to block incoming attacks.

"Me too" I cackled, I couldn't control myself it was as if the lightning took over me all I felt was the urge to kill.

Hex came close enough and threw a firm punch at me, I grabbed his hand before it hit and used my hip to toss him over me but in a useless attempt as he used the piece of tech to shoot out a loud screech of sound at me and once he noticed it affected me he repeated the same attack consecutively. Yeah just keep spamming the freaking blast button.

Before I could gather my thoughts his fist had already hit my chest, I staggered back and as I looked up I saw his leg flying in the air as he delivered a booming kick at me pushing me sideways into a wall causing destructive impact with the bricks.

I fell of the wall and lye there on the floor for a while before I hear Hex's voice in the distance.

"No time to Rest Big Bro" He finished his sentenced as he kicked my gut, I got pushed up because of the kick and as I stayed there on the floor in a kneeling down position almost immediately he kicked me again, I flew backwards and while still in midair I open my eyes and as I looked at my side I see Hex running he was chasing me and immediately i slowed down due to gravity he kicked me backwards in my ribs pushing me all the way back as I landed in the sides of the van.

A bit of blood poured out of my mouth as I tried my best to get out of the vans side I see Hex in front of me. I stagger and immediately Hex grabbed my head and he bashed it into the vans sides multiple times before he stops then pulls up my hair to see my battered and bruised face, he grinned about to bash me in again and immediately a hand grabbed his arm.

I never would have thought the person who would save me from almost certain death would be my worst enemy. I look at the arm which grabbed Hex's and I see the same man I saw in the pictures on the back of the Truck.

"Father how did you know- I'm sorry, I know you said I should have brought him to you first but I just couldn't control myself" Hex immediately dropped me and apologized to the man who saved me.

Father I'm guessing its the greatest villain the worst actually  it was their leader “Paradox”

"I know how hard it must have been to not kill him, I'm actually surprised you lasted that long I'm proud of you but now leave it to me" Paradox had a bass tone his voice wasn't subtle it was actually terrifying each word he said Gave me goosebumps.

"Your words honor me but also father I believe its time to put phase two into action" Hex said before turning to me and pulling me out of the side of the truck.

I fall down to the ground as he pulled me out of my 5-minute coffin.

Paradox snapped his fingers and we all appeared at a different change of scenery, it was like we were in a large tower with red carpets bright fluorescent lights and pictures of Paradox fucking everywhere, I'm starting to be less scared of the greatest villain in the world.

I get teleported again and this time We appear at a bar and Paradox is at the back of it at the side meant for bartenders. He grabs a cup and gently says "Alcohol or no" although with a mellow tone his intimidating aura never stopped gleaming.

"Nope I'm still underage" I reply as a point at a bottle of sparking nonalcoholic wine.

"Your friends are dead you know" He says bluntly piercing at my weak points like an experienced sadist.

"Nine killed them all while you were getting beat up on the middle of the road" He continued as he took a sip of his alcoholic wine.

I stand up furiously and hit my palms fiercely on the table with my face leaking blood as i asked. "So what do you want with me then, you could have left Hex to kill me".

"Oh that's right but the thing about your dead friends is" Okay now this guy is annoying me. "While still in his killing spree a hero interrupted Nine and got away with quite few of my prey". He slowly fizzled with the wine in the glass while staring at the transparent surface.

"So you plan to make them come rescue me" I ask looking at the wine in the glass slowly rotating.

"Yes I guess that's the plan, to have my sweet prey come to me to be killed by my own fist" he sadistically muttered out as he drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp.

"You won't get away with this, there might be dark days and I mean really dark days were the
Sun has given up completely and the rain falls endlessly but if it comes down too it I'll be the blue light in the sky i will light up the night, clear the darkness and I'll defeat you" I was serious with every word I said to him.

"I'm sure they'll go for the prison cell, but is that what young Johnathan will do, I feel like this war is reaching its climax". Paradox muttered to himself as he looked through the clean transparent glass. "But the question is who will be in Victor.

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