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Just something I thought of after watching "Are There Healthy Distractions?" Also I'm writing this at like 2:30 AM so if it doesn't make sense, that's why.

Also more thought on it on the bottom of the page.


Logan: You meddled with the vote to ensure that we would watch this and yet, you're the one constantly making fun of it.

Roman: Look, this is how I show my love.

Everyone: *looks at Roman*

Logan: *smirking proudly*

Patton: *grinning*

Thomas: *kinda surprised but also happy*

Virgil: *eyes and mouth wide open and blushing*

Roman: *realizes what he said* oh sh-

Remus: we're all part of Thomas so- *continues to say something disgusting*


Who else caught the name of who they where talking about? If you didn't then, his name is Rico.

Virgil was sitting on the back of the couch, a surface that isn't meant to be sat on.

Patton singing 'let it go', my mind made it way more angsty then it was meant to be.

Roman had all the pillows.

Patton didn't act at all how we all thought he would towards Romans swearing.

Deciets reaction to Roman taking his hat and Virgil hissing was amazing.

I really want Thomas to actually write the fanfic they talk about at the end.

Also I'm sad 'cause I really want the sweaters but I don't have any money

I think that's everything I have to say, have a good day/night everyone!

Posted 11-23-2019

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