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I just noticed that Claudiialykke2 on Twitter has a incorrect quotes chain that started on the first and will keep going 'til Christmas so I'm gonna write the first nine days here and continue on til Christmas.


~Dec 1st~

Roman: *dressed in a Santa hat, Christmas sweater and tangled Christmas lights*

Roman, shouting: IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Logan: Sshhh!

Patton: Yay!!

Virgil: Keep it down, idiot. There's 24 days until Christmas.

Roman: SO WHAT?! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

~Dec 2nd~

Virgil: Stop, I'm claustrophobic.

Patton: What does claustrophobic mean?

Roman: It means he's afraid of Santa Claus.

Logan: No, it doesn't-

Remus: HO, HO, HO!

Patton: Stop it, Remus! You're scaring him!!

~Dec 3rd~

Roman: It's Christmas!!! Are you all in the Christmas mood?!

Virgil: Merry crisis

Remus: Jingle my bells!

Deceit: Hoe, hoe, hoe.

Roman: Guys, pleaseee!

~Dec 4th~

*the sides decorating for Christmas*

Logan: Roman, can you bring me the cute, little-

Roman, leaves before Logan can finish, returns with Patton in his arms: Here you go, Logan.

Logan: I was gonna ask for the cute, little snowflake ornaments.

Roman: Oh, you said cute and little and I assumed-

Logan: I can see that.

~Dec 5th~

Patton: Hey Logan, how big is our Christmas tree?

Logan, opens his arms wide: I don't know, this big?

Patton, runs into Logan's arms and hugs him: So... Really big then? *smiles*

Logan, blushing: Patton!

~Dec 6th~

Logan: Alright, the Christmas tree is finished. And immaculately decorated if I do day so myself. Now where is that star for on top?

Patton: I have it!! *places a picture of Roman on top*



Virgil: Aaaaand the tree is ruined..

~Dec 7th~

Virgil: Roman?

Roman: Yes?

Virgil: Why at you laying under the Christmas tree?

Roman: Because I am a GIFT!

Patton, from the other room: You sure are Roman!!

~Dec 8th~

Roman: Logan, help! I'm trapped under the tree and the star's tangled in my hair.

Logan: Why were you under the tree?

Roman: ... Because I am a gift to this world?

~Dec 9th~

Virgil: I hope I get run over.

Roman: Aww! Come on, it's Christmas! Get in the spirit!

Virgil: *sighs* Fine. I hope I get run over by a reindeer.

That took a lot longer then I expected, but it's done, until Tomorrow.

Posted: 12-9-2019

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