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I don't really have an excuse for not posting the last few days, sorry.
And yes I realize I skipped the 15th go look at it and you'll know why.

Credit: Claudiialykke2


~Dec 16th~

Roman to [A/S]: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart.

Roman: But the very next day, you said that was gay.

~Dec 17th~

Remus: Dear Santa.

Remus: I'm writing to tell you that I've been naughty.

Remus: And it was worth it, you fat, judgemental jerk.

~Dec 18th~

~at Christmas dinner~

Virgil: This food tastes so good.

Roman: Just like your co-

Virgil: *chokes*

Logan: Stop!!

Thomas: Roman, why-

Roman: I was gonna say Coconut cake, the one he made for dessert, dirty minded fools.

~Dec 19th~

Patton: Happy birthday, kiddo!

Logan: Why do I have to tell you this every year? It's Virgils introduction day.

Roman: Still- Happy birthday, Virgil.

Logan: *sighs* Yeah, Happy birthday, Virgil. *smiles*

Virgil: Thanks, guys.

~Dec 20th~

Roman, singing: ALL I WANT T

Virgil: When they say Christmas is a time for giving, they don't mean giving out headaches, Roman.

Roman: *offended Princey noises*

~Dec 21st~

Roman: Here, I got you an early gift.

Virgil: Oh, thanks, uh-

Virgil: Um-

Virgil: Roman, this is a framed picture of you.

Roman: That's right. Only the best got you, Virge!

~Dec 22nd~

Deceit: Every talk I have with you people gets more and more absurd.

Roman: You say "you people" as if you're not part of the family. Well, I've got news for you. You're already on the Christmas card!

Posted: 12-22-2019

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