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Hiya everyone! First off thank you for over 1k read!!! Be sure to check out the amazing people who actually came up with all of these!

I'm gonna try to get back to posting to this book everyday or so!

Credit: GaaeiSandra on Twitter.


Patton: Virgil, name five things you hate about Roman!

Virgil: Well, first, I hate his smile. I also hate his hair. I hate his personality. I hate him...

Patton, internally: Wait for it...

Virgil: And, the last thing I hate about him...

Roman: *looking really sad*

Virgil: ...I-is the fact that everything I said about him is a lie...

Patton: *starry eyes*

Roman: *blushing surprised*

Virgil: I hate the fact that I don't hate him...

Virgil: ... I love him.

Roman: *is now a tomato*

Patton: *squealing*

Posted: 2-25-2020

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