Chapter 3

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I woke up slowly as the pounding headache grew stronger. I stared up at the white ceiling until the dizziness faded away. I slowly sat up with a groan as my movement provoked my headache to feel like a sharp pain. I looked at my surroundings and recognized it as Josh's living room. I don't remember anything after I left the cemetery so why am I here? I live two streets over so maybe I can sneak out before they realize I'm awake.

" Oh good, you aren't dead " Josh said as he walked into the room.  I spoke too soon.

 " Why would I be dead, and why am I here?" He sat next to me on the couch and handed me a water. I wasted no time to open it and down about half of the bottle. 

" You showed up in front of my house and passed out, that isn't normal even for you Olivia " he explained. 

" The only thing I remember is running away from Brandon's burial and that's about it. I don't know how I ended up here or why."

" Why did you run in the first place" Josh asked while pulling a face at me.

" Because I had to, I couldn't let it be real. I hate to say you will understand it too but you will. I dropped the dirt on his grave and ran away. You might think it was weak and pathetic but Brandon wouldn't. He would understand why I did it."

" You're right, he would understand but I know you aren't weak or pathetic. I probably would have done the same thing and just might tomorrow. I still don't get why you passed out. "

" It's probably because I ran about four miles without a break; we may not need a lot of oxygen but we still need it. I must not have gotten enough " I explained and that might have been the truth. Josh sighed and shook his head before looking at the floor. 

" You need to start taking care of yourself, we aren't kids anymore Liv. What if you weren't around people or around the wrong ones. Anything could have happened to you when you passed out."

" Today of all days you decide to give me a lecture " I said as I stood up from the couch. I didn't have my balance but Josh was quick to grab my waist and support me. I threw his arm off of me with a glare before I stalked to the door.

" I'm lecturing you because of today and what caused it. I won't let you end up like Henry and Brandon " he said sternly. 

" You mean dead, you won't let me end up dead because I passed out on the sidewalk after I ran too much." He didn't say anything so I walked out of the door, slamming it behind me. I wouldn't end up like Henry and Brandon because I wouldn't be able to do what they did. They were normal and didn't feel fear the way I did. Josh will never understand that I could never be like them. 

It was already sundown so I just went home. I don't want my parents worrying about the only child they have left. Today has been hard enough for them. There car isn't in the driveway so I guess I beat them back. I unlocked the door and walked in. The house had that taunting silence I tried to run away from. I closed the door with a sigh and dragged myself up the stairs. It didn't help how sore I was from running so much. I kept my head down as I walked past Brandon's room since someone had left the door open. I haven't stepped foot in there or even looked in his room since that day. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I went into my room and threw myself onto the bed and finally realized how tired I really was. I didn't even try to fight it when my eye lids began to fall. 

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