Chapter 4

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" I honestly thought it would be a lot longer until I would see you again little sister " I heard him say. I frantically look around me but all I see is darkness. It sounded like he was standing right next to me but he isn't there. 

" You really shouldn't be here Livy, you still have a heartbeat " another voice said. Henry. Henry is here too. 

" Why am I here, I'm not dead, there is no way I can be dead. I just fell asleep in my bed perfectly breathing."

" Yeah and you were perfectly breathing when you passed out in front of the Green's house " Brandon replied sarcastically. I guess he really was sticking around for a little bit. 

" I see you were serious when you said your attitude would follow you to your grave." I turned around and saw them both standing there with smiles on their faces. They looked exactly as they did that day, but there were no traces of the accident. This is how I wanted to remember them forever. 

" Why are you here Livy" Henry asked me. 

" I honestly don't know. I went home and straight to bed because I was tired. I just went to sleep but if I have a heartbeat, I'm not dead then."

" No you aren't and even though it makes me incredibly happy to see you again, you need to go" Brandon said as he came near me.

"No I don't want to leave you yet. I just had to watch your corpse be lowered into the ground and now you want me to leave you again. This could all just be my imagination creating a really sick dream. It won't matter if I sleep a little longer."

"But you aren't dreaming Livy and that's why you have to go. The longer you stay here, it could affect you negatively " Henry tried to reason with me but I wasn't listening.

"Olivia for once in your life just listen to what I am saying to you. You need to go now, the longer you stay, the harder it will be to go back. You aren't allowed to die yet, mom and dad can't handle that." Brandon spoke with a stern voice, one he only used when I got in serious trouble or he was getting annoyed with my stubbornness.

"How do I wake up" I asked as I looked around us. The room was no longer pitch black but pure white. It looked like freshly fallen snow in the morning when it hasn't been disturbed yet. Just that thought alone brought back so many memories.

"That's pretty easy actually " Henry said as he stood in front of me. He gave me one of his award winning smiles. The ones I would only see when I was crying or hurt. It was his way of assuring me that everything would be okay. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath but it was knocked out of me when I felt as if I was falling.

My eyes flew up as I quickly sat up in my bed. I looked around to see everything was exactly how it was except the hallway light was now on. I guess my parents finally came home. Now the fun shall begin. By fun, I mean having my father yell at me for running away like I did. 

"This won't be pleasant" I whispered to myself as I got off the bed but stopped when the front door was slammed shut. The walls shook from the amount of force. I crept towards the stair and saw my mother sitting at the bottom of the steps. I could tell she was crying when she turned around and saw me but she tried to hide it. 

"You're dad just left something at the church, he'll be back soon honey. I'll just figure out dinner for us " she said before hurrying into the kitchen. What I didn't know was that my mother had finally reached her breaking point that day and sat on the kitchen floor crying. She didn't know that I was doing the same at the top of the stairs.

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