Battle On The Bridge

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Today  was the day the bridge was going to be completed. Burto was still sleeping so everyone decided to let him sleep in while they protect Tazuna.

When they arrived at  the bridge they saw everyone on the ground. They suddenly a mist appeared.

Ken and Sato get ready. Kakashi commanded

Obito, Sakura, Namai,and Sauske you all get ready also. Orochimaru command

Sorry to keep you wait Kakashi and Orochimaru. Yous still have those genin with you I see. That one is trembleing. Zabuza said

I'm trembling with excitement.  Sauske said

Go on Sauske so him what you can do. Orochimaru said

Sauske then attacked all of the Zabuza clones. The real Zabuza then walked over with the boy with the mask on next to him.

Orochimaru thought " Well if isn't Haku". It grow a lot  since I meet him along with the kid Kimimaro I met.

I was right it was all act. These two must of use this act with the mask several times. Kakashi said

Hiding behind a mask who he think he fooling.  Kakashi said

Speak for yourself Kakashi sensei. Sato and Sakura both said

That it I'm taking him out.  Who he think he fooling hiding behind that mask like some clown. Sauske said

Sauske your so cool. Sakura said

Orochimaru thought  " Sakura still obsessed with Sauske". I really need to work on that.

No I will be the one doing the taking out. Ken said

Haku then begins spinning really fast towards Sauske and Ken.

Sato protect Tazuna let Ken and Sauske handle this. Kakashi said

Sakura and Namai protect Tazuna. Obito go help Sauske and Ken. While you at it to be a knucklehead Obito. Orochimaru said

Haku then started doing very fast hand signs with one hand.

Hand signs with one hand. Kakashi said

Ice needles then started heading towards Sauske.

Wind style wind blades! Ken then created sharp wind  from his hands to deflect the ice needles.

Ken and Sauske were both able to keep up with Haku movements.

Impossible no one faster then Haku. Zabuza said

You should've insulted these ninja. Do that only would bring out Sauske attitude.  Sauske is one of the best fighters in the village. Sakura is one of the sharpest members on the team. Namai is one of the scariest members when she angry.  Finally  Obito a knucklehead but very strong.  Orochimaru stated

Ken here is another one of the strongest fighters in the villages. Sato is incredibly smart probably smarter than Sakura.  Finally  Burto  is the number one hyperactive knucklehead  ninja. He more knucklehead then Obito.  Kakashi stated

Sauske and Ken were then both surrounded by mirrors made of ice.

Sauske! Obito exclaimed

Obito you need to relax if you want to help Sauske. Orochimaru said

Haku then started throwing needles at Sauske and Ken.  Suddenly Sakura threw a kunai towards Haku which he caught.

He caught it. Sakura said

Nice try Sakura that wasn't a bad attempt to help Sauske.  Orochimaru said

Haku  was suddenly hit by shuriken.  Then there was a huge puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared it revealed to be Burto.

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