Preliminary Rounds

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A/N I will be skipping some of fights. Since there more rookies in my story instead of 9 there a higher number left then there was in the show.

There were only 24 contestants left in the exam. The third hokage then started explaining about why they have the chuinn exams.

Any test is find just tell me the details of the exam are I can handle anything. Garra said

Before we begin let me Naruto Senju as the proctor say something frist. Naruto said

Ok go ahead. The third hokage said

There something I want you all do do before the thrid exam. Naruto said

We have to have a preliminary exam before we can move onto the real one. Naruto said

Preliminary what do you mean? Shikamaru asked

Sorry but Otōsan I don't understand what the point of the preliminary? What can we start the 3rd exam? Obito asked

Well you see the frist and second exams might of been to easy. The fact is we never expected so many of you to still be here. According to the rules of the chuinn exams a preliminary round can be held at any stage. In order to reduce the number of candidates remaining. Naruto explained

But is that fair? Sakura asked

It just at this stage we have to spend things up a bit. As lord hokage said a lot of important guests will be watching. We can't afford to waste there time. They come to see only the best. If there any of you who feel like your not in top condition. Now the time for you to drop out. The preliminary will be starting immediately. Naruto explained

Come up you mean right now? Kiba asked

We just barely managed to survive the last exam don't we get a break? Ino asked

The winners will be determined by one on one combat sudden death. So like I said if there isn't one who feels up to it now the time to rasie your hand. Naruto said

Orochimaru thought " Sauske looks like he in a lot of pain he keeps grabbing his shoulder". Also Sakura looks very concerned and keeps looking at me like she has to tell me something. Did my brother do something was told he was spotted in the forest of death.

It just as I fear. The third hokage said

What do we do with him? Ibiki asked

We take him out of the exam and have black ops watch him. We have to keep that seal under control. Anko said

Do you really think he listen to you don't forget hea Uchiha. Kakashi said

What is wrong with my student? Orochimaru asked

Well you see your brother put a cruse mark on him. Kakashi replied

I see well that shouldn't be a problem. Orochimaru said

Why aren't you concerned about him? Anko asked

Because I can remove the mark from him. I can do the same for the one that put on you when I wasn't thinking straight because of my frustrated for not becoming the 4th hokage. Orochimaru said

Well how come you didn't get rid of it sooner? Anko

I didn't think you would trust me after taking my anger out on you. Orochimaru said

Ok enough Orochimaru will remove when he gets the chance. For now he continues the match. The hokage said

I will seal the mark until Orochimaru can remove it. Kakashi said

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